Freida (Kamm) Bloom - ONE PERSON OR TWO?

Started by Private User on Monday, October 25, 2021
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Did the same Freida Kamm marry both Emil Kamm and Herbert Bloom or were those two different people?

Golda Rose Levy Burke could you spell out a bit more clearly points you made in another discussion, so this can be looked into?

in you said
"I thought that was a different Frieda Kamm - as she died in Chicago. Emil is our Frieda's brother.
We don't have anything that tells us that our Frieda Kamm Bloom divorced Herbert and married her brother, Emil."
WHICH Freida Kamm died in Chicago

"That Frieda Kamm was born in Austria so she is not the correct person."
WHICH Frieda Kamm was born in Austria?

I am sure there are 2 - and we should discount the one in Chicago.

Frieda Bloom Kamm 54 years old and from Austria 65 years old and emigrated in 1903 4 years old – probably named for above death in 1925 in Chicago – Named Freeda – could be the same person.

Not saying that this couldn’t be Herbert’s wife also. However ….. of the children mentioned from this marriage, Richard Kamm (1879 Romania), is born at the same time as David Walter Bloom (1879 Lituania)

No woman is that good ;-)

Currently, when I look on Freida's Profile, I see she is Mother of Richard Kamm; Adolph Kamm; Sarah Kamm; Jenny Kamm; Sarah (Kamm) Bergsman; <private> (Kamm) kamm; Paul Kamm; <private> Kamm; David Bloom; Sarah (Bloom) Cohen and Mary (Bloom) Siegel

The top record above is for a 1910 Census for Frieda Kamm, age 54, widowed, with children Paul Kamm, 26 -- Sara Kamm, 19 -- Sam Kamm, 17 -- Adolph Kamm, 13 - living in Chicago

The next is for a 1920 Census for Frieda Kamm, age 65, Widowed with children Paul Kamm, 36 -- Sam Kamm, 26 -- Adolph Kamm, 21 -- -- Paul is head, also have his wife and children -- living in Chicago

I would say, based on names, ages, etc. these two are for the same family

The 3rd record above is a 1930 Census for a Paul Kamm and his wife and children -- given names, ages, etc. - the same Paul Kamm as in the 1910 and 1920 Census abovs. And yes, also a lchild Frieda, aged 4 - suggesting Paul's mother Frieda may have died, so he named this child after her

The 4th link just gets me a page saying "Laufer - Bruckman - Preschel - Mitelman Web Site" and suggesting I request membership.

Golda, if you can do so, giving links to records in is probably more useful for more people than to MyHeritage, since family search is free. Think I have covered the first three you gave, tho.

Here is the death record for Freida Kamm, wife of Emil, who lived in Chicago:

It says she was born in Lemberg, Austria (now Lviv, Ukraine). This is nowhere near Kovno. People did occasionally move long distances, even then, but it is more likely that Herzl Bloom's wife was more local, a Litvak rather than a Galicianer.

We know, in addition, from Rudolph Drosd's book and Lilly Bloom's records that Herzl Bloom's third wife was Rose Potastik or Potashchik. We know from Sarah Bloom Cohen's records that her mother was Bessie Kaplan. So that suggests that Herzl's wife Frieda was his first wife. While divorce happened in those days, it was much rarer than death as a reason for remarriage. So in all likelihood, Herzl's first wife Frieda predeceased him in Lithuania.

In addition, as Golda pointed out, the birth years of Frieda's children with Emil appear to overlap with the years of birth of Herzl Bloom's children.

For all of these reasons, it is exceedingly unlikely that the Frieda Kamm who died in Chicago had anything to do with Herzl Bloom's wife Frieda.

In my opinion, these two families should be separated.

From Chicago Frieda's death record we have her parents as Max and Frances. I've been unable to locate a photo of her gravestone so far to see if it might have her father's Hebrew name. The FamilySearch tree has Raphael Kamm and Feiga Tand as Frieda-of-Chicago's parents, with some reference to the Gesher Galicia database that I haven't checked out. But I think that those parents should at least provisionally be attached to Frieda Kamm of Chicago rather than to Herzl Bloom's wife.

at least one of the children was buried at Waldheim Cemetery in Illinois. It is part of Forest Park Cemetery where they sent "Freeda" in the death cert. Paul is there but his stone is totally unreadable.

We know, in addition, from Rudolph Drosd's book and Lilly Bloom's records that Herzl Bloom's third wife was Rose Potastik or Potashchik.

I did not think so. David Walter Bloom did.

It looks like, of the managers, Carole Kapp is the only one related to Emil and his Freida.

And her version was merged in here Aug 2020
After which more merges, and before which Mitchell had already added Emil and a set of their children

Which is to say I think it may be difficult be separate, and I am thinking we want a Curator to help --
Problematic may be Sam Kamm
And Sam Kamm
which I just see as <private> Kamm managed only by Mitchell and among the children of Emil.

Totally doable if a Curator will help and Mitchell agrees the two families should be separated and will work with the Curator.

I am related to my 2nd great grandfather Raphel Kamm by 3 DNA matches until my great grandmother. I disagree with you.


Where are your GedMatch???

You ruin on my Tree. I will complain you.

Mitchell - Did you ever obtain a copy of Mary Siegel's Death Record?
New York currently has a very restrictive policy, so I do not believe any of the rest of us can obtain it now.
But you could have in the past -- did you by any chance?

Golda is NOT related to Freida Kamm Bloom PERIOD


I will call NYC for my father's birth certificate FIRST. I did not care about Mary Siegel (Siegel Crime Family)

My great grandmother was Mary Bloom Siegel. Please fix it up on my Tree Freida Kamm. You have no rights to control over me.

Mitchell, what are the DNA matches that suggest that you are descended from Raphael Kamm? Who, how much shared cM, etc.?

My preference - answer that question about the DNA in the discussion on DNA connections, where I have also asked it:

I already submitted it to Mike Stangel with everything. Please fix it up on my tree.

Jess and I are related to Freida Kamm Bloom with other two DNA matches on Ancestry.

Leslie and Golda are related to Rose P.

If you want me to "fix it" the way you want it, then you have to convince me that you are correct.

I am not blood relative of Freida Kamm Bloom on my tree. INCORRECT. THIS SHOULD BE FREIDA KAMM BLOOM IN BLUE BLOOD RELATIVE. You fix it up back normal.

Which change that I made do you believe is incorrect?

Private User , you assigned Mary "Merka" (MSB) Siegel to mother Rose Bloom instead of Freida Kamm Bloom.

I am not convinced that we have enough information to know who Mary "Merka" (MSB) Siegel 's biological mother was.

It's unclear to me whether Rose Potastik necessarily had other surviving children besides Lily. Also unclear, based on the children's birth dates, whether Mary and Lilly sharing a mother seems like the most plausible arrangement: David W. Bloom b. ~1879. Sarah b. ~1881-1884, Mary b. ~1883, Lilly b. ~1892.

And of course, I haven't seen Mitchell's DNA evidence that he's descended from Frieda Kamm Bloom.

Let's not forget the possibility of B Kaplan as Mary's mother.

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