Capt. Samuel Smith, Sr., Chief of Tuscorora - Titular Chief

Started by Private on Saturday, October 16, 2021
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There is bad information out there to be found. One of the misinformation pieces is that the Southern Tuscorora completely were killed in 1713, which is not true. Another is that Capt Smith was the last chief and that is not true. The current chief would be the current present last chief, so far, until there is another current last chief. Capt Smith was titular chief and his wife was not bear clan. He did not die at Indian Woods. When he did die, this is what the Southern Tuscorora Tribe History has stated: In 1803, 155 families or clans and 7 Chiefs of the remaining Tuscarora left to go to N.Y., 645 families or clans and 5 Chiefs dispersed according to Dr. David Phelps Archeology E.C.U. Greenville N.C. of the remaining families, some were loaded up in busses and were taken to Robeson Co. N.C. Some are still in Indian Woods and they have an unbroken history to Capt Sam Smith, adopted by them; but, they also have unbroken lines to the 5 headmen who were dispersed and they have language classes on their language and have made ties renewed with the NY group who followed their 7 headmen. Then, there is the Maxton Tuscorora group who are a subgroup of the Lumbee.

I am on their FB page, The Tuscarora, Nancy Ann Smith Wooten,Turner,and Moorehead,Is my Grandmother....she went to Kentucky, with Mr Moorehead, he became Governor.

That's good to know.

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