I have worked through the profiles above and added images and linked to projects as I have understood according to https://www.geni.com/projects/South-African-female-Progenitors-Stammoeders/17809
If a woman/wife is "van die Caap" they were born at the Cape of parents at the Cape, known or unknown. They are therefore Matriarchs (SM) when married to a SV/PROG, Not SM/PROG.
@Phillipp Weyers please check my ancestor - Catharina van de Caap, SM/PROG
Has she been added to relevant projects? Some thoughts!
Her mother is very likely Hester van de Caap who married Jan de Boer.
Marriage to Jan de Boer - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSFQ-SRY3?i=28&...
Hester is linked to Jacob Friedrich Neethling.
"Hester van de Caab vrygegewen door den burger Fredrik Netheling"
See NAAIRS - KAB CJ Vol. no. 2885, System 1, Part 1, Ref 63, 1735 to 1744. "Kontrak". Matroos
See info from SAG: -
Mem Jansz De Boer
a. 1735 v. Jever in Duitsland x Kaapstad 29.3.1767 Hester v.d.K.
b1 Catharina, sy is moeder v.d. kinders v. Jacob Friedrich NÖTHLING
Baptism of Jacob Friedrich Neethling and Catharina van de Caap's daughter - Maria Catharina Neetheling - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-WCX?i=89&...
Witnesses - Jan de Boer and Hester van de Caap (probably her grandparents.)
Hester van de Caap's baptism - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-WLD?i=4&c...