Hello Jim, I’ve done years of research as Jane and Elijah are my direct line. Her name is spelt a few ways on documents and gravestone. She is very mysterious and there is basically zero info on her other than married to Elijah Beard and her kids and gravestone. My name is Travis Beard if you like to connect My email is fosilfuel82@gmail.com and or face book is fossil t beard. Kind regards
Hello gentlemen, my name is Mark Wilson and Jane and Elijah are my 5th great-grandparents. Travis your comment much of Jane is a mystery is so true. I cannot find any info, I have a Quebecois friend Yvon Forget who runs the Forget Despatie website looking in the Archives in Montreal and he to has come up short. I would love to connect, I will send you a friend request on fb. Jim if you are on fb I would like to connect with you as well. I am on there as Mark B. Wilson a
This January I joined the Brome County Historical Society and plan to drop by sometime this year. They are supposed to have many local records on hand that are not digitized, but available for consultation by members. Will let you know if I find anything. I am not on Facebook so we can keep in touch via this site or Ancestry or MyHeritage.