רבי יוסף זאב וואלף פרענקיל, אב"ד וולברום וז'ארקי - Is he really a descendant of the Halevi Frenkel family?

Started by Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski on Saturday, August 21, 2021
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Some time ago he add to the Halevy Frenkel family as attached here:
I tried to find information that would verify it, and I did not find, but I also did not find information that would deny it.

some time ago a cousin from this branch approached me and told me that his grandfather said that this branch is related to Rabbi Baruch FRANKEL-TEOMIM, "Baruch Taam
Rabbi Baruch Frankel-Teomim, "Baruch Taam"
But he does not know how we are his relatives / descendants

I am interested in finding the truth, and then continuing with the family tree in this branch as well
Does anyone know what the real information is?

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Randy Schoenberg

Yigal Burstein

Private User

Simcha Heuberger has tentatively added Eliezer Ber haLevi FRENKEL as father of Saul FRENKEL (my profile) without any source and without any reasonable support by given name patterns. He merely argues that there could be a probability provided that Saul was a Levite.
He also changed the profile of Saul in "Saul ha-Levi" without knowing about Levite descent of Saul.

He also did this tentative way in another case where I definetely raised objections and then he un-did,

So I recommend to the curators to discuss with Simcha Heuberger or to remove the link between Saul and Eliezer Ber ha-Levi and to remove the haLevi from Saul unless there is true proof.for Levite descent of this branch.



I think the connection to the Halevi Frenkel family is wrong. I believe he is a relative of my great-grandfather (2) Rabbi Shraga Feibel Weingot-teomim, and both are descendants of the frenkel teomim family.
But all my attempts to find information failed

Although I am constantly searching for information about my great-grandfathers, and I am happy for any information attached to the family tree, but I want the information to be real And with evidence, here, the information seems to me incorrect

you are correct.
(By the way, despite of the shared surname he is not my known blood relative.)

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Yes, it is about him and his father, all the information about his father father and above is based on the hypothesis that to the best of my knowledge is incorrect,They belong to the frenkel teomim family.
And to me they are my great grandfathers

Private User,

Is there anything that I need to do to keep him out of your Frenkel line at this time?


Hi Kevin,
simply undo ALL the revisions that Simcha Heuberger has done at the profile of Saul
father of Rabbi Josek (Josef) Zev Wolf Frenkel, A.B.D. Wolbrom and Zarki.
Thanks in advance

Private User,

Please check.


Thank you Kevin,
I removed the remaining tentative revisions like birth town Fürth, Germany

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