Just moved father MP Mitso Asen, tsar of Bulgaria
to DUP Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria
I've been receiving duplicate and merge notifications in these delicate remote areas all week, I pointlessly reported the serial addition of dozens and dozens of "Na wives" by the same user, (practically all the unknown mothers automatically all becomed unique wives)
{so far never any source note added}
Something, I do not understand! What is not clear here about the curator: N - is equivalent to an unknown male name; Na - respectively unknown female. By the way, on top of everything, this curator, with some notions of genealogy, in particular the national one - Bulgarian, behaves too arrogantly and uncooperatively. I point out that I sent an invitation for cooperation to him personally last year, which is an indicative fact of his attitude here. I leave aside that in the specific cases, it is about the direct ancestors of my late husband, a world-famous professor and books translated into 13 languages.
message for (C)s
logically to solve, simply confirm also this new merge.. waiting for the next ones^^
(more complex would be now to go and look for every single "Na" hastily entered this week everywhere .. apparently the user has not yet understood the difference between not having any information about the mothers, between knowing that she was the only wife, not a concubine, not a flance, not a repudiated... for dozens and dozens of cases! T.T)
{{about the new illustrative images not referenced, and that you search on google images leads to nothing, I can report that not even the old ones are referenced, and those lead only to generic Bulgarian stuff.}}
(at a first contact I had already tried to lose a good 15 minutes to respond to a first private contact, but when sending some indications of primary suggestions I received an error, practically blocking before even waiting for an answer :) [[what a nuisance when it happens, you can't even retrieve the text via the browser's go back!:]]
Heaven knows how much the area would need good admns able to move in multilingual.. but of international approach!
@Raina as you can see from the statistics, these Tsars like other emperors of historical international interest, have over 10k more descendants and blood relatives in addition to yours husband :D
Of course, his linck-citations in the info about or TAG documentation will certainly be welcome. (this is the kind of work the area needs, not duplicate and merge:)
You are quite aggressive, and these are quite complex but very important things, because they affect the prestige and respect we owe to each nation and its own history. This makes me think only that the frequent attacks over the years are not only due to bad faith, but also have more significant reasons, well funded from somewhere!
Thank you for your time, and I hope that in the future, before you start behaving in an incorrect or at least intolerant way, you will let us know your doubts, and not just make baseless accusations and draw some conclusions of your own. I hope that this will end our discussion, in the most benevolent atmosphere. Have a nice day!
P.S. I would miss: I draw your attention to the following malicious profile:
Please do what is necessary to bring it back to normal immediately, and not as it is with severed ties. And in case you find this a normal state of affairs, I will try to bring the case to the EC.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
this means that instead of duplicating and merging, from now on you will use the appropriate easy discreet "request administration button"? :O
Does this mean that you are going to go into your new illustrative images and write into where they come from? :O
Seriously means you're going to go into every single Na profile inserted hastily this week, and that you will auto cancel, as soon as you write in which source mentions its wife-mother? :O
Answer of: (this is the kind of work the area needs, not duplicate and merge:)
No, this is not a normal attitude, this is a pure form of vanadalism, and so far supported by you as curators, which is very embarrassing and discriminatory against people like us who are engaged in correcting other people's mistakes!
..let alone if it had been that simple!
hey CE, here nobody is foolish: you moved them!
there is a TAB listing of the latest profile changes:
Kira Maria Asenina's parents were changed to Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria and Maria Asenina by Raina Georgieva Meteva.
2 hours ago
The parents of Ivan III Asen, tsar of Bulgaria have been changed to Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria and Maria Asenina by Raina Georgieva Meteva.
2 hours ago
I thought that the discussion so far ended in a reasonable tone and limits! But, not only do you not seem to understand the importance and significance of what we, the genealogists and historians, are doing here, but you continue with your mocking tone. It doesn't suit you, it's a community here and we have our responsibilities, it doesn't matter if you or someone else likes it. Greetings!
Kira Maria Asenina's parents were changed to Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria and Maria Asenina by Raina Georgieva Meteva.
2 hours ago
The parents of Ivan III Asen, tsar of Bulgaria have been changed to Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria and Maria Asenina by Raina Georgieva Meteva.
2 hours ago
Yes, and thats the abssolute correct ties!
it's a pity that Tsar Mitzo Asen, of Bulgaria is just only one of your a your fresh week DUP ..
..of that 2007 MP Mitso Asen, tsar of Bulgaria --> now childless | without offspring <--
..are you a colleague of Lalu?
I'm his mother, why, what kind of relationship are you interested in? He contracted cancer as a result of stress as a lawyer, perhaps the Chernobyl accident of '86 has much to do with it; they operated on him by removing 55% of his lungs and he is currently 100% disabled.
This is his genealogy site: https://meteff.tribalpages.com/
I understand,
I have kept an eye on the situation, and for the moment there is nothing serious that a (C) in a move cannot fix.. if.. (apart from all those "Na in Bulgarian" scattered where only yours now you know)
..if .. can you follow the 3 tips above.. in this message?
One more thing: There's too many profiles of our Kings which are closed for redaction, and this is not normal.
For example only one for show: Boris I, knyaz of Bulgaria
This make our work hard and unhappy!
Private User can you REQUEST MANAGEMENT on the Mitso Asen, tsar of Bulgaria MP, and then work with Jason Jason Scott Wills to fill out the existing line on Geni using your primary? sources.
everything useless,
-also today other duplication and merge notifications,
-other pretty new pictures to replace the existing ones, but again of unknown origin and reference.
-other superfluous "N profiles" but compiled in Bulgarian .. like this one:
N баща на Яков-Светослав, useless hieroglyphic profile to say that it is unknown
2 Cyrillic lines to discover with the translator that inside it only says that he is N father of "dude.."
Jacob Svetoslav (Bulgarian: Яков Светослав, Yakov Svetoslav) (ca. 1210s/1220s–1275 or 1276/1277) was a prominent 13th-century Bulgarian noble (bolyarin) of princely Rus' origin. Bestowed the title of despot, Jacob Svetoslav was the ruler of a widely autonomous domain of the Second Bulgarian Empire most likely located around Sofia. Seeking further independence and claiming the title of Emperor of Bulgaria, he twice changed allegiance from Bulgaria to the Kingdom of Hungary and vice versa, and the Hungarians recognized his Bulgarian royal rank as their vassal and ruler of Vidin (medieval Bdin). Jacob Svetoslav's exact origin is not clear, though he is known to have been either an East Slavic noble himself or the son of one. Jacob or his father most likely arrived in Bulgaria with the wave of Rus' people fleeing the Mongol invasion of Rus' in the first half of the 13th century.
Origin and reference for the pictures: