Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. and his spouse Mary Haliburton are 44 years apart.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. (born May 19, 1644) or the birth date of Mary Haliburton (born 1689).
Sibling too close (1)
Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. has a sibling (Rev. Robert Gillespie) whose birthdays are 43 days apart.
Tip: Go to the profile of Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. (born May 19, 1644) and review his sibling's profile (Rev. Robert Gillespie, born April 06, 1644) to determine if the birth dates are correct.
Too old parent (1)
Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. had 1 child between the ages of 64 and 80 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Reverend George E. Gillespie, Jr. (born May 19, 1644) or the following child:
William Gillespie