Private User -- can you help out here?
The primary documents seem to show pretty clearly that the parents which many trees attach to this profile can't be his parents -- but it's not just web trees that accept the connection (the details of the connection are in the Overview); the Plantagenet Society, for at least one, has accepted this connection -- at least, at some point they did; I don't know when that was, or if things have changed.
So if you could take a look at this issue again, I would appreciate it.
Tagging also Private User
Four pedigrees are presently listed in the overview of Matthew Wallace, resident of Manokin in Colonial Maryland. If anyone is aware of any ohers it would help this discussion if they brought them forward now. Links to those already listed follow:
Here's the essence of the issue, as far as I can see so far.
Matthew Wallace, who lived in Colonial Maryland, appears in the different pedigrees that Neil cites.
That he was born about 1640 in County Donegal, Ireland, and died in Colonial Maryland in about 1715 -- those things are apparently agreed upon.
As to parentage:
The Wikitree pedigree does not give him parents.
The Our Family Tree pedigree gives him parents John Wallace and Margaret Thomson, both of whom were from Glasgow. There is no evidence cited.
The Montgomery and Rountree site gives him also John Wallace and Margaret Thomson as parents, both of whom are given as living and dying in Glasgow. This site also gives Margaret a death date of 1633, which would make her quite dead when Matthew was born. There are no real citations.
The rootsweb tree also gives those parents, also from Glasgow, also with a long dead mother. Matthew himself is well cited, with reliable citations. There are no citations for his parents.
Now, the fact that Matthew was from Ireland, and his purported parents lived and died in Scotland, makes his connection to them pretty shaky. The fact that his supposed mother died three or four years before he was born makes it impossible.
Private User, bless his heart, has tracked down a James Wallace and Margaret Thomson, in Glasgow, with appropriate dates (details are in the Overview for Matthew Wallace), and notes that they did have a son named Matthew, but that son is not mentioned in Margaret's will (again, this is in the Overview for Matthew), so it would seem that he had died before she did, and she died in 1653.
But we know that this Matthew lived until 1716 or so.
So this is why at this time we have disconnected James and Margaret from Matthew's profile. We know he was from Ireland; he didn't have Scottish parents. Even if the Scottish parents had gone off to Ireland in order to have that son, the mother couldn't have been in on that, because she was dead. But even if! Even if the web pedigrees are wrong, and she didn't die until 1653, then it makes no sense that her son Matthew isn't in her will.
There is no evidence at this time that is compelling as to the parents of this Matthew Wallace, who was born in Ireland and died in Maryland.
Its time to apply what can be proven about the Wallace family that arrived Somerset Co MD with the Alexander and McKnitt families about 1670, using only the will data of William Wallace who died 1698 at Somerset Co MD and the will of John Wallace who died 1685 at Somerset Co MD. Certainly, there were many other Wallace members there.
All the following occurred at Somerset Co MD 1685-1716. Matthew Wallace d abt. 1716, his brother John Wallace d 1685 and their cousins William Wallace d 1698, his siblings James, Robert, Thomas and Mary who were alive at 1698.
Matthew Wallace d 1716 had daughter Jean who married John McKnitt, an unnamed daughter who married John Brevard before 1698 and sons Matthew and Richard who had a son John.
John Wallace d 1685 and wife Jane had sons Matthew and John
William Wallace1698, had a son William
It’s obvious these people had to came from the same location, Donegal Ireland and that the father of Matthew 1716 and John 1685 was the brother of the Father of William 1698 and his siblings. It is impossible to be able to prove any connection to any Scottish Wallace family. There are over 10 different versions of this connection at Ancestry.
I found this data while looking for info on my ancestor Sarah Brevard b abt. 1707. It is well documented that Brevard married Catherine Mary McKnitt about 1711 in Somerset MD. The will of William Wallace identified the parents of Sarah Brevard’s mother to be Matthew Wallace and Elizabeth Alexander, but not her given name. Some have said she was Mary Brevard without any proof (Jim Baucom, descendant of John Nisbet and Sarah Brevard).
Sources for William Wallace 1698 will
Sources for John Wallace 1685 will
It should be noted that both of these sources identify John 1685 as a brother of Matthew 1716 from his will but they mistakenly have Matthew 1716 coming to VA 1649 from Scotland and later coming to MD