Adelina of Holland - Adelheid's 1st Husband - Baldwin II, count of Boulogne

Started by Mary Elizabeth Northrup on Monday, July 12, 2021
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Hello -
Wasn't Adelheid married twice? First to Count Baldwin who died in battle and second to Count Enguerrard? Is there anyway to add a second husband?
Here is the Geni links I did find:
Baldwin II, count of Boulogne

Thank you,

Hello Mary.

I'm sorry I cant be of any help. I don't know the answer to your question.

Sincerely Jan

Wikipedia says she was married twice.

Mary Elizabeth Northrup if you click on the link (to the upper left) to her profile, you will see that Geni does have her two spouses (husbands) listed.

Wife of Baldwin II, count of Boulogne
Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu

Thank you Marvin. I apparently didn't see it yesterday. So thank you kindly.

What a Grandmother she married the man who killed her #1 husband!!!

Might have been a "forced marriage."

She very likely put him up to it . Thinking Mary Queen of Scots.

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