There is some evidence that Aoife was buried at Tintern Abbey. What do you think about this?
On pages 37, 38, and 39 of this book under the heading "William Fellow’s Visitation of South Wales and Herefordshire, 1531" and under the subheading "Tintern Abbey," I discovered the burial place not only of Gilbert fitz Gilbert de Clare, Strongbow’s father, but also the burial place of Aoife[Eve] Mac Murrough [MacMurchada] daughter of Dermot King of Leinster, wife of Richard "Strongbow" de Clare
We know Aoife was buried at Tintern Abbey when she died, because there is a record from 1531 from the Visitations by the Heralds in Wales, that identifies Aoife’s tomb as being in the north section of the church.
In 1531 William fellows made a visitation to Tintern Abbey just before the Dissolution of the Monasteries. He wrote describing the tomb of Aoife/Eva of Leinster (Ive Burgh): "in the northe part of sayde Church Lyeth Ive Burgh, doughter to Makmure, King of Lymster in Irelande, and wife to Richard Strangebowe aforewrytten on the other side,"