Phillip Cox - Fine tuning the Cox family branches.

Started by Private User on Wednesday, May 19, 2021
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Private User
5/19/2021 at 8:01 PM

Erica Howton I just began going over this branch, beginning with the patriarch/MP Isaac Cox of London, b. ca.1590.

This is mainly to let you know that I'm working on it, but I've already found four profiles attached to Isaac's son, Phillip (this profile under discussion at the moment) which are absent from the Cox genealogy and also competely devoid of sources, dates, locations, recognizable family connections...Three siblings and the wife of "Dr. David Cox":

John Cox

Philip Cox

Dr. Daniel Cox

Mary Cox

Dr. and Mary Cox's son and all of his seven descendants (including some "similar" profiles, and spouses, etc.):

James Cox

Just a suggestion. We don't need to delete any of them, but I think it would be best to disconnect them from the MPs at least until they've been proven.

Here is the only proven child of this profile, and there is nothing there either, about this unproven group linked above.

Isaac Cox

I have yet to go over the latter profile, but his three proven wives were all widows, and it appears at first glance that he only has one proven child. After thoroughly checking them, I would also disconnect any of his children who are unproven.

Private User
5/19/2021 at 8:23 PM

I meant to say that these unproven profiles are attached to this profile as children (not siblings).

5/19/2021 at 11:05 PM

Read the devastating critique of the ancestry and family of

Phillip Cox, Sr.

In other words, we really know nothing about Phillip Cox (d 1736) ancestry, and there is no proof he was married to Hannah Cox

5/19/2021 at 11:23 PM

===Will summary

The 1728 Will of clearly states that Phillip Cox, Sr. has four children: John, Philip, Phinas, and Elizabeth. Jacob and Mary are not mentioned in any way, and about the only way to make sense of that is to assume they have died prior to 1728. Dorcas is not named in the Will, but is listed as Relict of Phillip, and as executrix of the Will when it is proven. Since John is born in October of 1703, and is listed as a child of Dorcas, we can be confident that they were married from January of 1703 until Phillip’s death in 1736. This does not preclude an earlier marriage with children, as has been suggested; '''however, Phillip does not recognize them as his children in 1728.'''


I’ve created a profile N.N. Cox as husband of Hannah Cox & father of Sarah Trembly Mary Sutton & Mary Sutton

5/19/2021 at 11:25 PM

N.N. Cox Is attached as son of Isaac Cox & Sarah Cox & Phillip Cox, Sr. disconnected.

I’ll try chasing English ancestry but don’t expect much

5/20/2021 at 2:56 PM

Can anyone figure this one out?

Re: Marquis George Trembly & Sir Geo. Crateret
By Micah Sabol March 15, 2010 at 08:44:13
In reply to: Marquis George Trembly & Sir Geo. Crateret
Ann Robbins 2/13/02
None of the Big Names show correct information.For example, Charles I had a daughter Eliz. but she died.Sir Geo. C. married his cousin.And the peerage does not match any of the other names as well.Sir Geo. Crateret who married lady Elizabeth Stewart (false-daughter of Charles 1 Eliz. died at 15 by pneum.), George married his cousin Elizabeth de Carteret (So another Elizabeth) daughter of Charles I (Stewart) and Henrietta Marie daughter of Henry IV of France and Marie Medici of Florence. Sir George and his wife had extensive territories given them by her brother, James Duke of York, (after James II.) (True)Charles II gave Carteret a large grant of land in the American colonies, which he promptly named New Jersey. With Berkeley, 1665, Carteret was one of the drafters of the Concession and Agreement, a document that provided freedom of religion in the colony of New Jersey. It was issued as a proclamation for the structure of the government for the colony written by the two proprietors, Berkeley and Carteret. peerage check
[edit] Later life he became one of the proprietors of the Province of Carolina, prior to their becoming jointly interested in East Jersey which were ceded to him by his brother, Charles II. fully one-half of New Jersey, N.E. portion belonging to Carteret's wife. after Sir George's death she married William Larwrence.False He lived to 70 years old Carteret had a daughter Elizabeth who married Marquis Geo. Trembly an aristocratic French Huguenot, and had a daughter Johana who married Philip cox as second wife 1729. He was born 1681, son of Isaac Cox, brother of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (nee Sutton), daugher of Lord John Berkley False He left three sons, each of whom succeeded in his turn to the title, and one daughter, Anne, who married Sir Dudley Cullum,and Mary Stewart, mother of William Prince of Orange (Holland) or William III of England.
Elizabeth married Marquis Geo. Trembley (No Marqis George Trembley or anything close) and had daugher Hannah who married Philip Cox, son of Isaac and Sarah who married a Sutton died no issue, then married (False No famous Baptist Minister!!! grandson of Marquis) Rev. David Sutton, a famous Baptist minister by whom there were seven or eight sons and three daughters.
(Marquis George Trembly is also described in the booklet as 'a French Huguenot of high family.')
Proof and tradition say, Hannah was an only daughter of John Trembly, a brother of George Trembly, and Mary only daughter of Peter Noe, also a French Huguenot of high family, and Margaret (nee Clark). He was wealthy and made a will to mary and her descendants. She also made a will. She then had married Philip Cox and by him had sons, Isaac, Daniel and John; died young from drinking from a poisoned spring. Philip then married Mariah's daughter hannah, by Trembly, and had three children, Isaac, hannah and Susanah. All married Suttons.

Children of Rev. David Sutton and Sarah Sutton, (a widow of a Sutton) who was daughter of George Trembly and his wife a daughter of Carteret and Elizabeth (nee Stewart).

Private User
5/20/2021 at 9:23 PM

It appears Rev. David Sutton was Methodist, not Baptist. Hope this helps.

An abstract of David Sutton's will is here (p. 52 of the pdf copy):

We also should bear in mind yet another spelling variation of Trembly: Tremble (they often spelled phonically in those days, and 'rules' of pronunciation are a fairly recent development).

"Will of Peter Noe names son, John, and daughter, Mary, wife of John Tremble."

Private User
5/20/2021 at 9:27 PM

1775, Dec. 1. Sutton David, of Bernards 'f.ownship, Somerset Co.; will of. To my wife,~ of my estate.

To Marah, Jeonner and Abigail, who are the 3 youngest of my daughter, Elizabeth, deceased £5 a piece.

To the children which my daughter, Marah, had, who is deceased, viz., to eldest son, David £10, and to each of the rest, £5.

Eldest son, Isaac, £10, and then to have equal with David, John, Abraham, Jeames [James], Moses and Sarah.

Executors -- sons, David and Moses.

Witnesses - John Collins, Hannah Collins, Benjamin Courton.

Proved Dec. 19, 1775. Lib. L, p. 276.

Private User
5/20/2021 at 9:37 PM

Trimbly, another variation is found along with Tremble in the marriage records book linked above (couldn't figure out how to link them directly to the relevant pages).

In the same book are 14 references for Noe, and 25 for Sutton.

Private User
5/20/2021 at 9:54 PM

T-lo Tina Ann Cavitt thank you, that's very interesting. But for some strange reason I can't find that line here on Geni, can you link it? I only found these two, which aren't even connected to each other here:

Sir John Cooke, Kt.

Richard Cox, Bishop of Ely

Private User
5/20/2021 at 10:00 PM

Also I forgot to mention that there are 51 references to Cox in the NJ wills book, and 80 references for that name in the NJ marriages book (both linked above).

Private User
5/20/2021 at 11:22 PM

That is wonderful, Tina. Thank you so much for sharing.

Private User
5/20/2021 at 11:33 PM

:D phonetically (not "phonically").

5/21/2021 at 1:47 AM

He called himself “Tranbles.”

Jean (John) Tranbles, of Raways Neck

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