Antonio Guillermo Leuterio Sison - UP College of Medicine in WW!!

Начал Luis Maria (Luigi) Ordoñez Sison Jr. четверг, 6 мая 2021
6.5.2021 в 10:53 до полудня

The Second World War was a most significant stage in the history of the College of Medicine. The College was the only unit of the University of the Philippines (UP) that remained open and functional during the war despite bombings and sniper fire. There was also no disruption of services in the PGH. Dr. Antonio G. Sison was the College Dean at the time (1937-1951) and many refer to his deanship as “the Renaissance Period of Medicine in the Philippines” because of his efforts to improve medical education. The UP Medical Alumni Society (UPMAS) was founded in 1945, with Dr. Juan Salcedo Jr. as its first president. The Society has since supported the College in its many endeavors though generous donations and contributions of its members.


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