Good morning Arlis Deanna Taylor
The ABOUT text of Dirk Aelbertszoon van Quackenbosch (who's name is currently configured as Dirk Janszoon van Quackenbosch) starts with the words "Dirk Nanszoon van Quackenbosch", Nanszoon is not a patronym with which I am familiar but could quite easily i suppose be a simple typo?
Either way it does not fit with his father's name of Aelbert, as listed under the heading PARENTS.
In the next paragraph his name is presented as Derick Albertzoon Van Quakenbosch, it seems this may be a direct quote from "Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775".
The remainder (and vast majority) of the About is a description of Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775, which isn't in itself at all helpful in proving anything about Dirk.