Benes - Munk - Shick connection

Started by Victor Finogenov on Thursday, April 8, 2021
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4/8/2021 at 2:25 PM

The profiles for Benes and his wife have been already existing. Benjamin "Benesch" ben Menachem So this family was originally Munk and his father was rabbi Menachem from Prague.

4/10/2021 at 1:00 AM

I merged them. Do we have a source we can add?

4/11/2021 at 4:42 PM

Dear Randy, firstly I want to thank you for your great work – correcting this one and Flekeles/Slawes line! Such interesting documents have been found. I was very confused when I saw previous versions.

Is it possible to find another members of Munk family in these family lists for Prague? Is this book published anywhere so I could look through it too? It's almost impossible there could be another Benes with a wife named Rosa in Prague that time (I suppose they were born c. 1470-1480). No surprise they can be found both in the revision and the graveyard transcriptions. This theory also explains the regularity of such names as Menachem and Chanoch among Schick descendants and confirms the passing of Schick "surname" via female llne – according to your recent changes. Hope this may help to find more lacking information.

I became interested in this family because Shmuel Schick and his father Menachem Schick (I suppose, b. c. 1630) surely descended from this family, most probably forced to leave Wien for Poland after riots and 1670 expulsion. This Menachem should be a great-grandson of the previous one – with whom he was wrongfully merged one time. Henoch Jakob Schick is the best candidate for Menachem's father. It would also indicate a previous intermarriage between Schick and Margolis families and may also help to discover an ancestry of the Kalwarian branch of Margolis family in the future. I suppose they were also related to the Schlesinger branch.

If the information regarding Menachem Schiks' wife is given correct, then he must be a son-if-law of R. Moshe Heller-Wallershtein, thus Rabbi Moshe HaLevi Heller-Wallerstein = Rabbi Moshe Halevi Horowitz. The dates and names match very good, and I don't know any other Moshe Halevi Heller that time. Menachem's wife might be named after his great-aunt Kaila Teomim which may explain the appearence of this name later. I also have another hypothesis: 2 unknown daughters of Shmuel Schik might be a single person named Kaila who married twice – firstly R. Mordekhai Margolis in Suwalki area and then R. Yosef in Pruzhany. She could have died very old. There've been so many girls with this name in every represented branch since c. 1800.

As for now, this theory explains many things but it would be good to find more sources. The XVIII-XIX c. trees appear to be detailed in many cases but the XVII c. appears to be rather obscure – no surprise. And unlike Prague, Wien or Krakow cemeteries, the tobstones in Lithuania or Belarus don't exist anymore. Of course, this work will never be completed. There are also some obvious mistakes and duplicates in various trees.

4/12/2021 at 6:02 PM

Thanks. I am also on the trail of a new surname, Steinkopf (also Sh''K on a tombstone), that appears in the 1729 census with Elias Moyses Schak Steinkopf and in 1672 as Isakh Steinkopf, brother-in-law ["sweger'] of HaRosh Esriel Suskind Bunzel. Judaica Bohemiae XXXIX, p. 72. Could be a different family, or could be the same as Schick.

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