Why do you think you are the only person interested in this family?
The profile Isham Alexander Bennett was created by another Geni user, so there's at least two people looking at them!
The profile has a link to a FamilySearch tree, look at the text in the About section and you'll see the word FamilySearch in blue meaning it is a hyperlink to that site which you can access with a free account. The profile on FS was created by one member and edited by another, so that's at least 4 people researching.
A quick check on MyHeritage shows at least 6 trees which seem to have profiles that match this man, so there's at least 10 people interested in him to some extent.
The 1880 US Census which is mentioned in the About has a wife and child, apparently there may be another two sons but i've not been able to find the family in the 1900 census yet.