Go down the tree.
This profile says
Andries EMMANS was Jan's father. He fled from England to Leyden, Holland, for the sake of religious freedom and arrived at New Amsterdam in the vessel St. Jean Baptist on 9 May 1661. For a time he made his home in Gravesend.
So was Elizabeth Winters a barons daughter?
You think?
No, I was only interested in clarifying her parentage and maiden name. I'm not related to her husband or his family at all.
I looked under the revisions tab and see where Maria was disconnected as her sister, so that dissolves that connection which is where I came in, since it's the Winter / Langton line I was tracing.
I still don't understand why Elizabeth's name is shown as Winters, but that only interested me in connection with her possible connection to my direct Winters line, which she doesn't appear to have.
The questions posed are for her descendants to sort. I just like to make sure the pathways I'm tracing aren't giving me false connections.
As usual, it was an excellent question that absolutely ends up affecting your lines. I wanted you to try and understand a profile history on Geni by looking at the revisions tab. The short answer is “it arrived on geni that way.” Someone, somewhere, thought Winters & Winter, same family. But if we look down the tree we see Puritans. And landed gentry could indeed have Puritan sympathies ... but they weren’t fleeing to Netherlands in fear of their life so much.
And for the real Wynter / Winter family - wrong Langton Pedigree for 400 years. Take a look at Mary (Langton) Winters mother now. She was a Tudor era wealthy widow.
Yes, I looked over that already since the corrections you made to the Winter / Langdon does apply to me as those are my directs. So I appreciate your efforts in clarifying the Langton lines of the two women who had erroneously been made sisters and the question that brought up is where I halted at that point. Whereas you're always so adept with these complex connections, I'm less and less so these days. I do fairly well some days and others it just taxes my brain too much and I have to go take a nap. lol
Thanks for the link to the blog on Dame Mary, as she's my 11th ggm. I'm trying to add to these lines in my Ancestry tree and will add that link to her profile. :)