Herbert, count of Kinziggau - Too many children?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, March 27, 2021
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Medlands Identifies 4 children for HERIBERT (-992). & IMIZA. Heribert & his wife had four children:

a) OTTO von Hammerstein (-[5 Jun] 1036). m IRMGARD, daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mathilde of Saxony [Billung] ([970/85]-[5 Feb 1041/5 Jan 1043]). Otto & his wife had one child:

b) GEBHARD (-8 Nov 1016). Thietmar records the death of "Gevehardus, Heriberti comitis filius, nepos meus" in 1016[338].

c) daughter ([970/85]-). [m firstly --- von Gleiberg, son of ---.] m [secondly] FRIEDRICH Graf im Moselgau, son of SIEGFRIED Comte [de Luxembourg] & his wife Hedwig --- (-6 Oct 1019).

d) GERBERGA ([975/80]-after 1036). m (before 1003) HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Graf im Nordgau, son of Graf BERNHARD & his wife Eilika von Walbeck ([970/75][346]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt).


Alex Moes, your Curator note shows 6:
Gerberga, Herman, Otto, Judith, Gebhard and Irmintrud.

I'm stuck on the equally unsourced Hermann I Count of Gleiberg, I

Private User and Private User - do you have sources for these two somewhere?

Of course. Öhningen was and is a navigation station on the river Rhine and the Kinziggau of her father is very near. But we do not see ‘de Luxembourg’ on ML.

I have this:

Four siblings; parents disputed


1. [Judith of Ohningen JUDITH] ([925/30]-16 Oct [973], bur Heslinge). m ([946]) as his first wife, HEINRICH von Stade Graf im Heilangau, son of LOTHAR II Graf von Stade & his wife Swanehild --- (-11 May 976, bur Kloster Heeringen).

2. [Udo UDO] (-killed in battle Cotrone, in Calabria 14 Jul 982).'''

3. [Konrad von Öhningen, Duke of Swabia KONRAD von Öhningen] (-20 Aug 997). He succeeded in 983 as KONRAD Duke of Swabia. Graf im Rheingau 985 and 995. Graf im Ufgau 987. Graf in der Ortenau 994.

4. [Herbert, count of Kinziggau HERIBERT] (-992). m [Imiza (Irmintrudis) IMIZA]. Heribert & his wife had four children:

>a) [Otto von Hammerstein, Graf in der Wetterau und im Engersgau OTTO von Hammerstein] (-[5 Jun] 1036). m IRMGARD, daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mathilde of Saxony [Billung] ([970/85]-[5 Feb 1041/5 Jan 1043]). Otto & his wife had one child:

>>i) [Udo UDO] (-1034). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 1034 of "Hutho com"[337].

>b) [Gebhard von Gleiberg GEBHARD] (-8 Nov 1016). Thietmar records the death of "Gevehardus, Heriberti comitis filius, nepos meus" in 1016[338].

>c) [Ermentrude, Gräfin von Gleiberg daughter] ([970/85]-). [m firstly --- von Gleiberg, son of ---.] m [secondly] FRIEDRICH Graf im Moselgau, son of SIEGFRIED Comte [de Luxembourg] & his wife Hedwig --- (-6 Oct 1019).

>d) [Gerberge von Henneberg von Zutpen GERBERGA] ([975/80]-after 1036). m (before 1003) HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Graf im Nordgau, son of Graf BERNHARD & his wife Eilika von Walbeck ([970/75][346]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt).


What do you suggest Carl?

Sharon Doubell I have no idea why my CN says 6 when the ML text I put in the About clearly says 4

I’ m thinking that the name ‘Luxemburg’ could be a mistake. There exists a ‘Judith of Luxemburg’ with different parents in the 11th century, but still:

I'm going to remove them as his children, pending sources. Does that seem reasonable guys?

I'm wanting to lock down Heribert's relationships - hence query.

Ok for the moment

The profile links are here, if you find anything else and want to link them back.

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