Hi pam skipper, Rachel's birth year is circa 1744 which means it could be 10 or so years earlier. I am not sure where the Frances comes either.
Personally, I think more work needs to be done on the Skipper lines - particularly how our Horry County lines connect to others. I can fully document my lines to Ebenezer Skipper and there is enough indications that Peter Monroe Skipper, Sr. is his brother or at least some close relation shown through court records, naming of descendants, and other interactions - including some DNA matches.
I am working with a group of Skipper family that is trying to track down the eastern NC/SC lines and see how they connect to the Central NC/SC lines. They do, we are sure. I suspect that rather than descend from Barnabas and Rachel, we descend from George Skipper II' son James, brother of Moses (father of Barnabas), whose family seems to have migrated from Nottaway lands along the coast to Brunswick County, which as you know is next door to Horry. It is just a complicated mess of threads and will take some time.
There seem to be connections between the Skippers in eastern band and central band (such as some family members moving back and forth between locations) throughout time and that also suggests a strong familial connection. DNA even suggests connections for the central and eastern groups.
What I have been doing is trying to add and clean up the Skipper lines in Horry and then I will move to Brunswick and over to Marlboro and Anson Counties. We need as much information and listing from census on all since 1850 and then we can find as much before then. I am just one person working on this for the most part for Horry. There are others who have put in considerable time. Your help would be appreciated building the tree.