Temperance West (Flowerdew), Lady Yeardley - Richard Barrow

Started by Jodi Rae née Trogstad Brennan, 'Queen Regent' on Sunday, March 14, 2021
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I am as of late curious about the Parker / Barrow connection in my family. Both of these names are of the notorious, 'Bonnie and Clyde'. I recently received a message there is no known children of Richard Barrow, are we certain?

This seems like an uncertain marriage.

The profile notes have:

“ Undocumented as a husband to Temperance Flowerdew. May have been married to her between 1609-1612 and perished during the Starving Time.”

Somebody found a marriage record for Temperance Flowerdew m. Richard Barrow back in London, 29 April 1609 at St. Gregory at St. Paul's, London, England. (Source: John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5, p. 863 (Yeardley Family).

It is *known* that Temperance sailed for Virginia with the ill-fated Third Supply, departing Plymouth on June 2, 1609 in the ship Falcon, arrived on or about August 11. It is highly probable that her husband sailed on one of the other ships - we don't know which one, but between the Catch being lost at sea with all hands, the Sea Venture being wrecked in the Bermudas, yellow fever stalking the flotilla and the "London plague" (typhus?) aboard Diamond, the odds that he made it to Virginia at all aren't great. And even if he did, the winter 1609-1610 nearly did for the struggling colony altogether. By May 1610 there were only 60 survivors, and many of them in very poor condition.

Thank you for that information regarding Richard Barrow. What I am curious about is whether the two may have had children in England that found their way to America. But again for affirmation I am recognizing that travel at this particular time in history seems clearly documented and yet we continue to gain.

I would like to mention my deep concern regarding the placement of a lightbulb that caused the fire at Westminster Abbey. I have discussed this with law enforcement of the City of St. Paul Minnesota and City of Superior Wisconsin Police department is also aware of my concerns. I had persons sitting at my in-laws table that were very closely affiliated with Elizabeth II and the goal to maintain the throne in-spite of their awareness of my parents is profound. People knew and it is more frightening when I now realize the particulars of Upper and Lower Basse of Normandy and other communes, duchies and circumstances involving my parents that might illicit a fire of that to destroy documents. Yes, I have publicly declared this to Elizabeth II.

Looks as though there wasn't time for any children. Married in April, shipped out at the beginning of June, and very doubtful that they both got to Virginia safely.

PS: Giving yourself airs about being "related to royalty" doesn't go very far around here - we *all* are, it's just a matter of who and when and can we prove it.

Maven, thank you for you direct approach to the comprehension of, 'matter of who and when and can we prove it", since I have been reduced down very far in society due to this genealogy issue, and I know my parents are of their opinion, I felt it prudent to assume the position as it were of airs specifically since the use of the word airs in cyber-technology promoted Costco to utilize the software on one young female relative to which she went home and massacred her parents. First she went to 'kill herself', then turned it on them. Her two young sisters were in the bedroom next door. This all started with my former employer the human resource people of York International Corporation and also Johnson Controls Inc a company I believe the Royal family stole chiller patents through, from my family, and because my former boss James Lionel Porath of Johnson Controls, Inc. formerly of York International Corporation though he was insisting he was 'helping out' Camilla and Charles but really looking for that fountain of youth through cyber-technology, he had insight into the fact my father descends from the Ayars family. Everyone wanted the word 'airs' in the software. When you say 'airs' doesn't "go very far around here" what are you implying? I lost my house, my cars, my children, my bonds expectation of being a grandparent, my parents were controlled and manipulated, law enforcement got involved, every human resource person I have worked for has used cyber-technology to 'monitor me', what exactly is going to far in your eyes?

Everybody wants royal ancestors - everybody *has* 'em if you go back far enough. But the unusual thing is having a solid paper trail to prove it - most people don't have that. (Unscrupulous "genealogists" used to trade on people's desires by *faking* such a paper trail - and not all the frauds have been exposed.)

It has been said that King Edward III was "the forefather of the English middle class", which has rather more than a grain of truth to it. He was very prolific, with a lot of daughters and younger sons, and most of them with nowhere to go but down the social scale. First step: upper nobility; next step, lesser nobility; then titled gentry; untitled gentry; well-to-do middle class. More often than not the connections got lost in the transitions.

Edward I was also fairly prolific, same story, a bit longer ago.

Henry III (Edward I's father) wasn't all that prolific, but Henry's father John (yes THAT John) was a Tireless Tomcat. Two wives, various mistresses, who knows how many one-night stands or with whom....

John got it from his father, Henry II, whose constant infidelity drove his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine berserk (one reason why he locked her up).

Henry probably got it from his maternal grandfather Henry I, who holds the current record for *known* illegitimate offspring (some 20 or more).

So yeah, practically everybody with British ancestry is probably descended from one or more of the above rapscallions.

Another popular claim is that everybody with Western European ancestry, and quite a few others, can claim descent from Charlemagne. Mathematically it figures, and as for his private life, Big Charlie was another Tireless Tomcat - and the recordkeeping was spotty at best. (That's an especially hard one to find actual proof for.)

As far as claims to the crown of the United Kingdom, that was locked up long ago by Act of Parliament. Several Acts, in fact, starting with "Titulus Regius" in 1483 (fat lot of good it did Richard III when Henry Tudor came calling with a large army). Henry could play the Act of Parliament game too, and he did. Parliament kicked Charles I off the throne and onto the scaffold, then a little over a decade later, having tired of strict Puritan kingless rule, invited Charles II back, with conditions (which Charles was only too ready to agree to, as long as they didn't interfere with his tomcatting around - he's probably runner-up to Henry I for little royal accidents). But Charles II made the same mistake Henry I did - no legitimate heirs, and in Charles' case not even a daughter. Ergo James II, whom Parliament tossed out after only three years in favor of Mary (II) and William (III). There were more conditions, and William countered with one of his own, that should Mary predecease him (as she did), he would remain king for life (which he did).

But William and Mary had no heirs either, and neither did Mary's sister Anne, who was next in line. So Parliament laid down some laws governing the succession - first and foremost that the crown *must* go to a Protestant. Next in line under those rules was Sophia Dorothea, Electress of Hanover, who never reigned - but her son George I did. And the succession has been pretty regular since then.

Oh dear, we have another Wanna-Lee.

It has never been successfully shown that Captain William Lee, Esq. had any children at all, and the strongest argument that he had no sons is that he tried to leave his estate to Mary widow Heath (who *may* have been his daughter but was never able to prove that either). He did succeed in getting her named as executor, but his older brother Richard "the Scholar" Lee finagled her out of having anything to execute.

As for Richard Lee m. Mary Young, at last report he was thought to belong to the Abner/Jehu Lee line, who *may possibly* have been very distant cousins to the Famous Lees (branching off somewhere within a loud shout of Bad King John). They are fairly well documented - up to the point that George Washington Lee's memory and knowledge of Virginia history got fuzzy, which was around his "great-grandfather's" time.

The other source of the tradition (besides the George W. Lee Letter) appears to have been a mash-merge between three completely different William Lees:

1) William Lee the son of Richard Lee and Anne Constable (no proven descendants);

2) William Lee of Ulster, Ireland, and Richmond County, VA, who left copious descendants (more of them keep turning up all the time);

3) William Lee of Chippoakes, who married an Alice widow Felton - but who flourished a generation *earlier* than William "Constable" Lee (he was buying and selling land in Surry County, VA in the 1650s-1660s, what time William Lee #1 was still learning his ABCs). It is not known whether William of Chippoakes left any descendants.

Minor correction: William of CHippoakes' last name is always spelled "LeA", not "LeE".

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