@Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia. Hello Sharon Doubell and thank you for responding. Vlad the Prince is 10th cousin. 20x removed (blood relations) and First cousin, 26x removed... (In-Law Relationship). I think that is awesome. I am a descendant of some great greats who shared their well connected DNA down to me and my family of hard working farmers and laborers. Very ironic. I never met any of my grand parents or their siblings. With 9 different ethnicities in my dna I am connected all over the world. Vanessa in Virginia, USA (Find me on facebook Vanessa Hosea Brooks, Buffalo, NY
I watched the movie last night about Vlad, the Impaler. Whoaaa! I wonder how much of this movie is fact. Any who, he was from a time when all everybody did was fight others and take take take. He loved his family and sacraficed his imortal soul to protect them and his people. If you get a chance watch the movie. I am a SciFi junkie. Just wonder why my name and possible ancestors keep coming up in my search. In Blade2 , Blade (the day walker) mother was a nurse and after she is bitten her namer tag falls to the floor... guess what, it was my name. Coincidence? I'm sure I'm not a vampire. LOL