I would like to revive the discussion on the topic of Merge Options start by @Peter Allan Dutton, Jr in 2013 below which received no response at all.
When attempting to resolve merge issues , I was given only option #3 and #4 which is equivalent to Henry Ford remark that the options the customers have when purchasing Ford's car is "you can choose any color you like as long as it is black".
So I have to leave the merge unresolved. Can anyone assist me?
Peter Alan Dutton, Jr.
March 06, 2013 22:51 NONE Unfollow
When comparing profiles to be merged, there are four options:
1) Yes, merge the profiles
2) Request to merge
3) No, they're different
4) I'll decide later
You'll always see #3 and #4 as options.
If you don't have permission to complete the merge, you'll see #2, but not #1, which is fine.
If you *do* have permission to merge the profiles, you'll see #1, but not #2.
My suggestion is that if you do have permission to merge the profiles, that *all* four options appear, not just #1, #3, and #4.
Why? Because sometimes you'd like to alert the profile managers that there is a pending merge (i.e. request a merge) rather than complete the merge yourself.
Thanks for listening.