Walter FitzAlan Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland - Sources for extra children

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, February 20, 2021
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Before I merge these two:

can we compare the sources for his children?

Alexander, Sir Robert, John, Walter Bailloch, William, Beatrix, Christian, Eupheme, Margaret, Sybella (Walter Fitzalan Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland)

1ALEXANDER Stewart (-1283) 2JOHN Stewart 3 WALTER Stewart "Bailloch/Freckled" (>28 Apr 1295) 4 ROBERT Stewart 5ELIZABETH 6MARGARET 7NN (Walter Fitzalan Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland)

Spewcifically, Cawley doesn't have these three: Euphemia Stewart, Sybella Mackenzie, Christian Stewart

Course, one is a line of mine! Sigh.... Let's get it right. :-)

:-) Agree. Euphemia seems better sourced than the other two.

I am looking at both profiles and finding direct connections. On Walter Steward, I connected directly both through Euphemia and Alexander. On Walter FitzAlan, I connect directly through NN Stewart and not directly through his Alexander. I wish I knew enough to assist. Just watching to see where the profiles fall. It's interesting.

Terry Jackson (Switzer) and Private User - what are your thoughts?

Eupheme seems no longer thought to be a daughter.

See PoMS, no. 5989 (; accessed 21 February 2021)

Christina was married first to William Bruce, lord of Annandale; later she was second wife of Earl Patrick (d.1232). On Countess Christina, see Andrew B.W. MacEwen, ‘Seven Scottish Countesses: A Miscellany. III. Christina de Brus, Countess of Dunbar’, The Genealogist, Fall 2003, 223-33. Christina was first wife of William de Brus, who died × 1212; and secondly wife of Earl Patrick (I) of Dunbar, who died in 1232. Christina was thus the stepmother of Earl Patrick (II). MacEwen suggests persuasively that Countess Christina was a daughter of Walter son of Alan (I) the steward and a sister of Alan the steward. This is based on the evidence that Birkenside (BWK), which was held by Walter son of Alan the steward, was later part of the marriage portion of Countess Euphemia, wife of Earl Patrick (II) [see 3/15/74 below]. MacEwen suggests that Christina inherited Birkenside from her putative father, Walter son of Alan (I), and that Euphemia was her daughter with William de Brus.

Thus, Christina, who married secondly Earl Patrick (I) of Dunbar, apparently had a daughter from her previous marriage, Euphemia de Brus, who married Earl Patrick (I)’s son from a previous marriage, Earl Patrick (II). Thus Countess Christina appears to have been both stepmother and mother-in-law to Earl Patrick II. See also Andrew B.W. MacEwen, ‘A Clarification of the Dunbar Pedigree’, The Genealogist, vol. 9, no. 2 (1988), 229-41


He left on Crusade with Louis IX King of France in Nov 1247 but died en route[1560]. Matthew Paris records the death of "comes Patricius qui inter magnates Scoitiæ potentissimus habebatur"[1561]. The Chronicle of Lanercost records that "…magistri Patricii" died "apud Marsilium"[1562]. m (1213 or before) EUPHEME, daughter of [WILLIAM de Brus of Annandale & his wife Christine ---] (-1267). "Eufemia comitissa" donated revenue from land in "Kirkinfyde" to Dryburgh monastery, for the soul of "domini mei Patricii comitis", by undated charter[1563]. Her parentage is suggested by MacEwan[1564]. If correct, she was her husband’s step-sister, daughter of his father’s second wife by her first husband. The Chronicle of Lanercost records the death in 1267 of "domina mater domini comitis Patricii de Dunbar, Eufemia…magistri Patricii qui apud Marsilium obiit"[1565]. Earl Patrick & his wife had two children:

a) PATRICK de Dunbar ([1213]-
b) WALTHEOF [Waldeve] (-after 3 Feb 1245). Rector of Dunbar.


Euphemia, countess of Dunbar

Curator Note from Anne Brannen (11/14/2019):
The Peerages give the wife of Patrick Dunbar as Euphemia Stewart; MedLands gives her as Euphemia de Brus.

Patrick, Earl of Dunbar still has two wives?

I’m looking at the children. Stirnet (Peerage based) gives many more than Medlands & Wikipedia. (I’m setting up in Patrick’s overview now)

I’m thinking they should go on a NN partner as I don’t see them at POMS.

Euphemia Stewart Is disconnected as wife of Patrick, Earl of Dunbar. A relevant comment:

I think the "marriage" of Eupheme to Adam is spurious. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography has Patrick, Earl of Dunbar born circa 1185, married to Eupheme circa 1213. Patrick died 1249. Eupheme would have been about fifty years old then. The son of Patrick and Eupheme became seventh Earl Dunbar.


She is seen in online tree as wife of Adam Wallace of Riccarton, 3rd of Riccarton

The age does not fit and the sources I’ve see so far have the Wallace wife as Christine Kilebane Only.

But I haven’t yet seen recent Wallace studies. Perhaps she’s a later Euphemia Stewart?

It occurs to me that there are many managers & followers of the current profile for Euphemia Stewart so if she’s disconnected as child of Walter Fitzalan Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland maybe she should be merged into Euphemia de Brus?

Re: Christian Stewart (which should be female)

I’m thinking she was a one time identification of Christine nic Uchtred, Countess of Dunbar

In the discussion at [ Magna Carta line of Eufemia (was Eufemia wife of William Comyn of Kilbride)] (2004) I see “Christina le Stewart” as a proposed (and rejected) wife of Patrick l Dunbar.

Notes for Beatrix de ANGUS

He [Walter] is said by Duncan Stewart to have married Beatrix, daughter of Gilchrist, Earl of Angus, but no proof has been found of this,

and he died in 1241, leaving issue:

1. Alexander, his successor
2. John, killed at Damietta 1249
3. Walter, married Mary, younger daughter of Maurice, Earl of Menteith ...
4. Euphemia, married Patrick, sixth Earl of Dunbar
5. Margaret, who is said to have been married to Nigel or Neil of Galloway, Earl of Carrick
6. Elizabeth, [or Beatrix] stated to have been married to Maldouen, Earl of Lennox.
7. Sir Robert Stewart of Tarbolton and Cruxton is said to have been a son of this Stewart.

Source: THE SCOTS PEERAGE, ed. by Sir James Balfour Paul, Vol I, Edinburgh, 1906, p.12


SP was corrected by CP to eliminate daughter Euphemia, and SP never had Sybella or Christian.

Eliminate those and Beatrix parents, (?) & Then I think you’re reconciled with both Medlands & TSP.

Thank you :-)

Terry Jackson (Switzer) & Private User?

Thanks for your work on this ladies. I'm afraid I have been out of action due to various health issues since about 2021.
I've jus had a request to unlock this profile which is how I became aware of this discussion.

For now I've just asked why.

Thanks again.


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