Ive been told Benjamin's Y dna doesn't match John kennon Bolling. However there still seems to be a link between Elizabeth and Benjamin. Im in know other way related to Benjamin Bolling that I know of but i still match those that claim to be Descendants from 3cm to 10cm and share Native DNA with some of them. Does anyone else experience this that are Descendants of Benjamin franklin Bolling and Elizabeth Wright Bolling?
Im thinking if he was Melungeon or Native American Elizabeth being most likely his sister would be also. Especially considering the shared Native American DNA between Benjamin Descendant and my self.Do you all have a list of numbers for Bollings you could compare?
In https://dna-explained.com/category/endogamy/ in section "Two Faces – Matching Can be Deceptive!"
"4. The segments are small (segments less than 7cM are false matches roughly 50% of the time) and therefore the match is simply identical by chance. I wrote about that here. The chart showing valid cM match percentages is shown here, but to summarize, 7-8 cMs are valid roughly 46% of the time, 8-9 cM roughly 66%, 9-10 cM roughly 91%, 10-11 cM roughly 95, but 100 is not reached until about 20 cM and I have seen a few exceptions above that, especially when imputation is involved."