@Auri Elina Vilske Hello 21st cousin, she is also my 27th great grandmother via my fathers tree. BUT we are also related via my mothers tree , Evy Marie Ballo Samdal. It says "Auri Elina Vilske is your second cousin once removed's husband's first cousin's wife's mother's husband's wife's first cousin once removed's husband's third great niece."
Greetings from Oslo, Norway.
If you look beyond the initial relationships shown by Geni (look at the children in several successive generations, at relationships to spouses, and at biographical information, for example), you may find multiple relationships to your distant ancestors. Sigrid is my 25th great grandmother, my 27th ggm, my step 25th ggm, my step 30th ggm, and a multiple distant great aunt. In addition, she allegedly murdered my 27th ggf, Harald Grenske, by burning down the guesthouse where he slept when he came courting.
Wow, so many cousins around the world in such a short time! Nice to meet you all!
Joseph James Yanta, III Yes! This is very interesting indeed!
I should have noted that Sigrid may be the same person as @Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast (Mieszkówna), who also appears to be my ancestor (25th and 30th ggm), as well as a distant step ggm, great aunt, and cousin. There are problems with both the assumption that these two women are the same, as well as with the assumption that they are separate people. Geni lists them as two people.
Joseph James Yanta, III geni lists Sigrid as my 27th grandma and Gunhild as 31th grandma. Those times are very far away and no reliable sources excisted. But probabilities are likely, I would be keen to learn more!
Virtually all living people of European descent probably have Sigrid/Świętosława as an ancestor, although surviving records show only a small fraction of the actual relationships.
The maximum number of our 24th great-grandparents would have exceeded the population of Europe at the time they lived (about 60 million in the year 1200), if there were no duplication. The number of our 29th great-grandparents would have exceeded the population of the world (about 500,000,000 in 1000). And the number of our 37th great-grandparents (back to about 700-800) would have exceeded the number of people who have ever lived (about 108,000,000,000).
Of course, the actual number of our ancestors at any point is much less than the mathematical maximum, because there is so much duplication. But it means many of the people living around the year 1000 are our ancestors. I have found any number of medieval ancestors that I descend from through three, four, or more different lines.
Hello all, according to Geni Sigrid is my 30th grandmother.
I am so pleased to have found her. I am called Sigrid but never liked this name, but this changed when I found out about my ancestor.
Regardless of the various controversies about sources I am now very happy to be called Sigrid.
She was called Haughty because she refused to change her religion to Christianity. I think of her as very courageous and noble.