Did you know that Wilson suffered strokes pre-presidency? https://www.historynet.com/how-woodrow-wilsons-hidden-illness-left-...
→ Dr Wilton George McDonald, Sr
your father → William Edward McDonald
his father → John William McDonald
his father → James G son of j BaillieMiramichi n.b.)) MacDonald
his father → Catherine MacDonald
his sister → Hugh MacDonald
her brother → Christy MacKay
his wife → Catherine MacKay
her sister → Donald Coupar MacKay
her husband → Anne Couper MacKay
his sister → Hiram Downing
her husband → Hiram Downing
his father → Ruth Hoar
his mother → Abigail Hoar
her mother → Miriam Hitchcock
her sister → Alexander Bliss
her son → Margaret Hoyt
his daughter → Margaret Jane Axson
her daughter → Ellen Louise Wilson, First Lady
her daughter → Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States
her husband
→ Dr Wilton George McDonald, Sr
your father → William Edward McDonald
his father → John William McDonald
his father → James G son of j BaillieMiramichi n.b.)) MacDonald
his father → Alasdair Seamus Alexander MacDonald, of Long Point
his father → James “of Baille” Macdonald
his father → Anna Robertson
his mother → Catherine Robertson
her mother → Catherine Hamilton
her mother → Jean Campbell
her mother → Alexander Campbell of Carslogie, Bishop of Brechin
her father → Janet Graham
his mother → Margaret Stewart of Moray
her mother → Beatrix Campbell of Glenurchy
her daughter → Sir Archibald Campbell of Glencarradale, Kt.
her son → Archibald Campbell of Glencarradale
his son → Duncan Campbell of Glencarradale
his son → Janet Jean Campbell
his daughter → John " Old John " McCollum
her son → David I McCollum, Sr.
his son → David McCollum, Jr.
his son → Mary Jane Bane
his daughter → Christiana Clutter Headley
her daughter → Mary Sanders
her daughter → Smith Sanders
her son → Nellie Marie Hunter
his daughter → <private> Collins (Hunter)
her daughter → Diana Collins
her daughter
→ Dr Wilton George McDonald, Sr
your father → William Edward McDonald
his father → John William McDonald
his father → James G son of j BaillieMiramichi n.b.)) MacDonald
his father → Alasdair Seamus Alexander MacDonald, of Long Point
his father → James “of Baille” Macdonald
his father → Hugh Macdonald of Glenmore
his father → Margaret MacKenzie
his mother → Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Castle Leod
her father → Sir Colin "Cam" Mackenzie, 11th of Kintail, Clan Chief
his father → Elizabeth Stewart
his mother → John Stewart, 3rd Earl of Atholl
her brother → Jean (Joneta) Ottirburn
his daughter → Joneta Cockbourne
her daughter → Patrick Cockburn
her son → Elizabeth Boig
his daughter → William Bogue, III
her son → William Bogue, IV, immigrant Scotland
his son → Miriam (Mary) Bundy
his daughter → Christopher Bundy
her son → Mary Tadlock
his daughter → William Tadlock
her son → Mary Anne Evans
his daughter → Mary Rogers Shackelford
her daughter → Margaret Pauline Singletary
her daughter → Mark Clarence Bachman
her son
Your MacDonald tree is in question. First, look at this...
These are both showing as father to James MacDonald
Somethin' ain't right...
In his description... "James G son of j BaillieMiramichi n.b." does not... in my opinion... translate to son of Alasdair Seamus Alexander MacDonald, of Long Point. Might the j stand for John? Who knows. Alasdair is showing two sons by the name of James. James G needs to be disconnected from Alasdair.
Diana not a problem and I know- this is an in law connection and not a blood relation to Pres. Wilson. As to my ancestry, I've done alot of DNA testing and I'm now on Y FULL the official DNA site for family tree makers. My SNPs dated between AD 1000 and 1200 and places me in Scotland. I have over 100 confirmed DNA matches and again looks like you and Mark are my cousins . About "James " James is on Y Full as well and his haplo is same as mine E-M2 which is rare for Scotland but there is 2 pct or more of Scots with this haplo. James was born in Inverness Scotland around 1788. He is descendant of the Sleat McDonalds. However when i started using Geni I entered his cousin James Baillie based on old Jamaican archived records. Both James have a common ancestor John Macdonald Lord of the Isles b. circa 1320. I had to manually enter James Sleat McDonald into Geni but it still pulls up per Geni World Tree matches with James Baillie