It is impossible to say as the only known existent mention of her in the entire world says "There was a jarl in England called Hunda-Steinar. He married Álöf, Ragnar loðbrók’s daughter, and their children were...". There is no mother listed so we cannot assign a mother.
The historical veracity of Ragnar is a very hazy topic which adds a layer of complexity to your question.
Also, consider that the above quote comes from Landnamabok which was composed hundreds of years after Hunda-Steinar lived, was his wife really the daughter of one of the most famous vikings? Or was she just the daughter of some random guy named Ragnar and later descendants added "Lodbrok" into the story to glorify themselves?
Alex, I agree with everything you are saying here, but I would like to add some points.
1. Landnåmabok is one of our best historical sources, since it was not composed so much for glorifying people, but rather for keeping track of where they came from and where they settled.
2. There is a good chance that Ålof had some powerful ancestors, since she got married to a Jarl.
3. It would be strange if Lodbrok had so many sons, and not any daughters.
4. The Annals of St Neots (Fani Sancti Neoti) mention that Lodbrok had three daughters, who made the first Raven Banner.