It is known that William Justice, of "Kittawon" left heirs, but the text of his will has not survived, so they have had to be deduced from circumstantial evidence. Justinian Justus, Sr. and John Justice, of Charles City are probably his sons, though there is no certainty which of them is the older (no birth records surviving). But they both owned land in Charles City County that formerly belonged to William Justice of "Kittawon", and there is no record of hem having bought or patented the respective properties - which strongly implies they inherited them.
Ralph Justice is, and has always been, a question mark, but at least his line is solidly documented from him down (courtesy of the Miles Files, GHOTES, and other Eastern Shore sources). It is odd that he first shows up on the Eastern Shore as an indentured servant to Ms. Ann Toft - maybe he was "not a proper son" (i.e.William's but not Mary's)? Unfortunately, thus far no male-line descendants have volunteered for Y-DNA testing.
I'm not sure how Francis Justice and Mary Justice got attached to William Justice.
Justinian and John both inconsiderately married women named Mary (so did Ralph, but at least we know which one *she* was!), and neglected to specify which sons belonged to which of them, creating another muddle.
Justinian is believed to have been responsible for Justinian (II) and William, John for John Jr and Silvanus - although William may have been John's and Silvanus Justinian's. Evidence for a daughter Mary who married somebody named Moore is nonexistent.
John Justice, of Charles City & Augusta is the biggest problem yet. He apparently hared off to the frontier and got lost in the remote reaches of Augusta County (NOT Lunenburg/Halifax/Pittsylvania county!) just before the outbreak of the French and Indian War. (I've had some flaming arguments with one or more people who are adamantly certain that he was the same person as John Justice of Mirey Creek! Y-DNA says no way.)
Silvanus Justice boogied on down to Craven County, NC and raised a family there.
Justinian Justus, Jr. started the line that can be found in the "Justice Bible".
William Justice seems to be a new entry, with little known or noted about him.
Note from Private User copied over:
I researched John Justice for years thinking that I was related but through DNA discovered that George Green and Mary Justice did not get married until he moved from Lunenburg Co to Halifax Co and purchased land adjacent to John Justice. At any rate, I did discover a great deal about John of Charles City County.
I have two books of court records of CCC and one entry refers to John Justice and mentions ‘his wife Mary and his Mother Mary Wade’, so he was definitely married.
I studied the John justice who lived in Augusta County and that one was a peddler (not likely our John who had just sold a valuable piece of property). He tried to purchase land using a ‘note’ and expected to pay it off using the money he received from building the mill. But he never got paid because he had no idea how to build a mill. When he started to move to the land he thought he owned, there were ‘squatters’ living there that he could not eject because he did not have a deed. There is a record of the death of a John Justice who lived there but the dates don’t match up.
John Justice who showed up in what would become Pittsylvania Co purchased (or was given) land on Harpin Creek close to where it converges with the Pigg River in 1747. The land already had a mill on it and belonged to William Atkinson and the mill had only been built a year prior. This William Atkinson is the same one who witnessed the will of John Justice some 20 years later. William Atkinson was wealthy and owned a great deal of land on the Pigg River.
I have no way of proving if the Pittsylvania John was from Massachusetts or from CCC Va because DNA matches don’t go beyond that generation and there is no proof that the Moore’s who lived near John Justice were from Mass. Records seem to prove otherwise. It is my personal view that the John Justice was married to a Mary Atkinson. That would explain the closeness to William Atkinson whose ancestors were also from the CCC area.
Since I discovered that I am not related to John’s daughter, I have no dog in this fight but just thought I would pass on the info that I have.
Hope that helps.
Just a thought...John Justice was a fairly common name from that era and having children with the same names was also fairly common. I have found several instances of that happening.
Private User - see Betsy’s note.
Does it not look like
1) John Jr did have a wife Mary
2) John Jr was not the scammer John Justice in Augusta?
Jacob Stover (Jr) seems to be the most plausible of the lot. And yes, this Adkins/Atkins/Atkinson family is the same one that all the hoohah was about. Parker Adkins was her brother.
I now wish I HAD NEVER HEARD of a man named John Justice! No discussion should become vile! I did however do a little more research yesterday...just curious.
I found the old deed from Augusta County as well as the old book typed on an old typewriter probably 100 years ago where it said that the property was ‘ occupied’ by someone else. But having seen the actual deed, it actually says that the land was ADJACENT to this man, not occupied by him.
Also I did not find John of Augusta in any of the Augusta Co road orders, though since he would have been in his 50’s by then, maybe he was too old.
There were literally hundreds of names on the lists but none of the people whose names were in the deeds.
I also found the old church records where Mass John and Mary stood before the church congregation and apologized for attacking their neighbor. According to the church ledger Mary first attacked him and started beating him and then John joined in and hit him with a rock. The church did forgive them and accepted them back I into the congregation but no doubt they were shunned by the community since they soon sold their land and were never heard from in that area after that. But that was 1742. They disappear from records until a John Justice received a deed for land on Harpin Creek in 1747 that already had a mill on it that had been built a year earlier by William Atkinson according to a book I own about the history of Pittsylvania mills. That deed was from William Atkinson who owned land all over that area. But he was not living next door to them when he signed John’s will. I have no way of knowing what their friendship was all about. Maybe the church...
In all of my long years of research have I never had a bad experience with any other researcher until I started having discussions with Maven. Hope I never do again! Too bad she omitted the ones where she got nasty.
Thanks to all of you for all of your genealogy work! Keep on plugging!
We actually do have Y-DNA tests from descendants of William Justice of Charles City (alias "of Kittawon") - I think they're all through Justinian - and descendants of John Justice of Miry Creek. The two groups of tests don't match closely enough to belong to the same family within this timeframe. (There might be a common founding ancestor somewhere *way* back, but the paper trail, in both cases, is long gone.)
As of the present time, the odd one out is *Ralph* Justice of the Eastern Shore (no descendants tested). He probably didn't come down from Massachusetts, but whether he came from Charles City and was a third son of William Justice, or whether he came over from England on his own, or what, we just don't know. (We do, however, have good paper records of his descendants, thanks to the Miles Files.)
The case for Ralph as a son of William Justice has been weakened by recent discoveries that while William's widow Mary Frame *did* marry a Thomas Capell, he was her second (not third) husband, stayed put in Charles City, and died there before 3 June 1673, by which time Mary had taken as a third husband Nicholas Mozier, also a resident of Charles City County.
William Ebourne sometimes cited as Mary Frame's "second" husband, actually married Mary's sister Rebecca Ebourne (and was to marry twice more, to women named Margaret and Mary, but none of the others was a Frame). The Thomas Chappell who married Ebourne's third wife, Mary, was *not* the same person as Thomas Capell of Charles City County.)