Anna Maria Sophia Kruysman Botma - Alternative Data After Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Wednesday, December 2, 2020
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Death Date 28 February 1778 1753

Will this solve it?

Boek der Gestorvene, Land van Waveren - - 28 Feb 1778, Tulbagh "de wedw van Johannes Botman d'Oude gent Anna Maria Kruysman"

Looks like it. Thanks. I'll lock - can you add it to the About, if not there already?

Added a while ago but no one had noticed.

When I resolve Data conflicts, I don't open the profile - there are too many - I just log alternatives so managers can decide and change for themselves.

Sharon Doubell - The whole point of the Data Conflict Screen is to be a repository for information on Conflicts.
No choice should be made unless
1) you have done the research and are sure (and have hopefully documented it)
or 2) the difference is trivial and/or strictly a matter of taste

At least, according to Mike (Geni's General Manager) when I was speaking to him at an IAJGS Conference back when in-person conferences happened - who seemed horrified at the idea anyone would be "resolving conficts" just to get rid of that screen they had gone to all the trouble to design and create.

Should I tag him here so the two of you can discuss it here, or should it be a separate Discussion or??

Lois, feel free to tag him if you're that invested in profiles in my line.

People typically resolve to the data on the initial profile. I like to keep a log of the alternatives, just in case a new manager has better data.

Hundreds of Data Conflicts accumulate without managers' awareness, but a Discussion alerts them to come and engage with the data. Usually it creates dialogue and keeps managers actively responsible for the data presentation and research, and tightens up any documentation that is missing. I've had many positive responses to this. What is your objection?

You will notice that the data here was accurate. I was able to lock it because of Charlotte's help. There are a limited no of curators and hours in the day, and I prefer to spend mine engaging with managers on the profiles I work with.

When I was talking to him at the conference, I could not locate the discussion(s) basically suggesting people "resolve to the data on the initial profile.". Still haven't found those.
Think the fact that you are preserving the data conflicts this way is good.
And that by creating these Discussions you inspire Managers " to come and engage with the data" is great.

What is not great is that Mike went to all that effort to create that screen so there would be a record of the Data Conflicts - a record that was to be there until someone definitively determined which value was correct - and people are interpreting Resolve the Data Conflicts to mean get rid of that Screen, not truly determine what the correct values are. As if it was somehow bad for the screen to exist.

If you simply left the Data Conflict Screen, someone else would probably just come along and "resolve" them without finding documentation nor leaving any record of the conflict, so what you are doing is better - way better!!!
But as I said, Mike was really horrified at the thought anyone would simply "resolve to the data on the initial profile" (or in any other way), just to get rid of the data conflict screen -- and I would like to help end this misinterpretation of the directive to resolve the data conflicts after a merge.
Suggestions on how to do that?

Lois, feel free to report me for going the extra mile, if this is how you want to spend your time.

Data Conflicts pile up in mountains - and the fact is that without this Discussion, Charlotte would not have seen it was now in conflict.

Sharon, it strikes me as a bit ridiculous that you have to create a gazillion Public Discussions to accomplish what Geni's Programmers were trying to accomplish by designing and providing the Data Conflict Screen.
But given that people are completely misinterpreting the directive to resolve Data Conflicts after a merge, I am very glad you are creating them.

Lois, I assume you're seeing the public Discussions because you are following me. Unfollow me and you won't be alerted about profiles you are not connected to. I take the Discussions as part of my own due diligence on profiles I maintain.

Sharon, have never clicked "Follow" on your profile. Always skim thru all the Public Discussions, read more if the Subject Line or start of Message shown catches my eye / looks interesting.
Was mind-blown by
"When I resolve Data conflicts, I don't open the profile - there are too many - I just log alternatives so managers can decide and change for themselves."

Offered to tag Mike because I figured you would respect what he said, but well might not accept my word that he said it - plus you might be able to convince him choosing values in the Data Conflict Screen without doing any investigation and determining the actual correct value was widespread, so he could think how to address it.
It was definitely not meant as a threat.

Most recently, have addressed the same topic here:
(in response to post two above it)
and Alex responded
Ignore or chime in as you please

Lois - this is how I choose to engage the managers on profiles I look after. If you want to spend your time scanning all discussions, you will see I create many. If you object so strongly - report me or move on.

Sharon, yes, I saw/ was totally aware you have created a gazillion such discussions.
Had not realized the point was to engage the managers - thought it was to document the choices in case someone eliminated the Data Conflict Screen.

Either purpose is great - and could be done without any choosing of Data on the Data Conflict Screen - why not leave the Data Conflict Screen so others can see both it and the Discussions? ( at least until somebody else does something with the Data Conflict Screen)?

Because, as I have said - they pile up and get ignored - and there is no time to keep returning to them to check. If managers engage with the new info - they can change the Data presentation at any time in the future: if they don't, it stays with the original, or with the most obviously correct.

I'm now unfollowing this Discussion.

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