Some genealogists have suggested that Simon fil Simon was identical to Simon de Kime, but I have located a pedigree chart for Osbern de Arches which shows Simon de Kyme married to "Rohaise", sister of '''Robert, son of Robert, Steward of William de Percy''' (sans progeny) -- whose wife was yet another Rohaise, "the countess", relict of Gilbert of Gant. So I doubt that he was the same person.
[https://archive.org/details/earlyyorkshirech01farruoft/page/420/mod... Early Yorkshire Charters, Vol. 1, p.420]
Geni has two MPs with the same name, both married to different "Rohese's", this one and his grandfather:
Meanwhile, there is a duplicate husband for his wife, Isabel Fitz Simon: Simon FitzSimon for whom it is claimed that he was the son of Pinco and Isabel de Cukeney
That is untrue, because Pinco's only known offspring was Hugh Fitz Pincheon de Eresby (with a duplicate Geni Pinco father). And there is a third clone, here: Pinco?
I would guess that the confusion resulting in the duplicate Simon Fitz Simon incorrectly having Pinco and Isabel Fitz Simon as parents, and possibly an incorrect birthdate as well, possibly stems from the fact that some genealogists have wrongly identified him with Simon de Kyme; combined with the fact that the names "Fleming" (associated with Pinco) and "Flemangh" (closely associated with Simon Fitz Simon and loosely associated with Simon de Kyme) -- are similar enough to create some confusion.
All of this leading up to the problem of having a duplicate husband for Isabel FitzSimon which cannot be merged due to the incorrect parentage on one of them.
Simon Fitz Simon's parentage may or may not be proven somewhere, but I'm certain it isn't Pinco and Isabel de Cukeney. And I doubt very much that Pinco's wife was "Isabel de Cukeney", either.
So now that I've brought this to public attention, if there are no objections, perhaps I shall attempt to straighten it all out to the best of my ability. It's right at the top of one of my lines, so it kind of bothers me.