T-lo Tina Ann Cavitt I know Geni has a link stating that Gudrød Bjørnsson is the father of Harald Grenske but even Geni can have untrustworthy links and this is one of them.
The source is Snorre Sturlasson's saga of the kings of Norway and it is written around 300 years after these people lived. Among most Nordic historians this link is considered as fake so please don't advertise this link, as it is probably false.
There are no credible source stating that Gudrød Bjørnsson even existed and far from being Harald Grenske's father. The reason why it is still shown on Geni is that if I removed this link, I would get a public outcry that I removed a link that is written in the Sagas by Snorre and that I don't have any proof that Snorre was wrong. And they would be correct, I don't have any proof that SNorre was wrong, but Gurdør wasn't mentioned as the father of Harald in the earlier sagas written by authors before Snorre, so most of todays historians think that this link was created by Snorre.
When I get the guts, I will probably remove this link.
Bishop Gabrielle Crofts, Bishop, I sent you a request to collaborate. I think one thing that needs fixing on your tree is to get some of the "private" profiles made public that are over 150 years old that you have made. That should open up your tree to mergers. I can help clean that part up as we are related and I think there are a few lines I can pull in for you. Answer the request and I will see what I can do this weekend. :-)