Robert II de Stafford - parents don't match Medlands citation

Started by dale scott on Monday, November 9, 2020
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11/9/2020 at 6:34 PM

His profile lists his parents as Nicholas de Stafford and Maud de Meolte. MedLands has them as son and daughter in law.

The MedLands citatation in the Ovwerview, states, "ROBERT [I], son of ROGER [I] de Tosny & his [second wife Godechildis ---]"
Further down it states Nicholas was the son of Robert, and MATILDA Maude Moolte was the wife of his son Robert.

11/9/2020 at 7:26 PM

Anne Brannen,

Can you help out here.


11/9/2020 at 9:26 PM

MedLands gives Roger de Toeni and Godehildis — here is Roger— Roger II de Tosny, seigneur de Conches

As the parents of Robert de Toeni and somebody who might be Avice de Clare — here’s Robert — Robert de Toeni, Lord of Stafford

And says that they are the parents of Nicholas de Stafford, who marries Maud — here is Nicholas — Nicholas de Stafford

And Nicholas and Maud are the parents of Robert Stafford, who marries Avice— here is Robert — Robert de Stafford

And that is what we have.

11/10/2020 at 12:40 PM

Anne Brannen,



11/10/2020 at 1:33 PM

You are quite welcome. It was fun.

11/10/2020 at 7:20 PM

You are right. Wikipedia made it a little clearer for me.
Robert de Stafford (c.1039–c.1100) (alias Robert de Tosny/Toeni, etc.)[4] an Anglo-Norman nobleman who arrived in England during or shortly after the Norman Conquest of 1066 and was awarded by King William the Conqueror 131 manors in his newly conquered kingdom, predominantly in the county of Staffordshire.[5] He built Stafford Castle as his seat. His 131 landholdings are listed in the Domesday Book of 1086. By his wife, believed to have been Avice de Clare, he left a son and heir:
Nicholas I de Stafford (d.circa 1138),[6][7] eldest son and heir, 2nd feudal baron of Stafford, the descent from whom was as follows (all successive feudal barons of Stafford):[8]
Robert II de Stafford (d.1177/85), son and heir;
Robert III de Stafford (d.1193/4), son and heir, died without issue.
Millicent de Stafford, sister and heiress, wife of Harvey I Bagot (d.1214)

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