this not connected tree of:
[CLONE] Waldrada
is for sure Waldrada of the Lombards (same 3 unmistakable husbands)
and so far a duplicate fast report would solve everything but the interesting part is that to the CLONE of Chlothar I "the Old" King of the Franks [MP]
is assigned Blithilde, daughter of Clothar I as a daughter with a whole other interesting tree attached.. by.. by? by !?
FAKE historical claimed 2019 USER Flavius Afranius Syagrius
CLONE of Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382 [MP] but with all his offspring..
https://www.geni.com/threads/6000000161298663821 did the notification reach enough ADMN? :D
At times I have run across mythological profiles (including some Master Profiles) that are 'following' certain active users who seem quite fond of creating genealogical profiles for Greek gods, fictional characters, and other non-human entities, ironically.
This Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382 is also 'following' his private 'child' along with all the other profiles he created.
Active users posing as fictional and deceased characters, is how it looks to me. Some are far more 'active' than this one, fyi. Of course we are not privy to the activities of the private profiles whose identities are likely as fake as their visible ones; and if the public ones can create profiles and enjoy user privileges, then surely many of these private ones can too.
Flavius Afranius Syagrius (Consul, ca.382) was a real historical person who is documented in the books, and it's rather sad to see his persona being used that way.
The strangest thing is how an ADMN can still enter his own date, less than the twentieth century: Once upon a time there was no possibility to create a new branch with your profile, but in 2019 ..& much earlier, certainly yes!
(how many French kings ADMN have I found LOL:)
So I don't know if behind here there is a scholar who does not know GENI but who has tried to structure something following unauthorized sources, or if perhaps there is only a joker behind it.
Anyway I see that a curator had clear ideas and reported everything for destruction because it actually contains duplicates, If you all want play (waste time) to study this strange line there is always a few days available before the destruction :)
You know, this is just not good. I followed my trail to Chlothar I "the Old" King of the Franks as I knew I had one and I don't think it is the same as before and looks like it is populated by some of those "sport" flags that Livio Scremin was discussing on another thread. It makes me think the profiles are suspect. About 10 profiles from Clothar down were not "followed" by me before this time.
Perhaps Sharon Doubell can shed some light? Looks like a profile that may have become corrupted, for lack of a better word.
I think that Marvin Loyd Welborn has a good point. Seems like all profiles past a certain date could just be expected to be public.
in one way or another the discussion is resolved, but I think @Susan talk about her (new?) connection:
passing through the new "sports flagged" :D
-Saint Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass
-Gerlinda Welfen, {doubtful}
-Eudes Aubri Odo d'Aquitaine de Blois
Along that same tree of mine that Livio Scremin noted - found this profile:
Saint Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass
and then when I googled her, found this profile pop up
Odilia / Haildis van Alemannien
Not sure if they are the same, but both out there with no sources.
Susanne Floyd - on and off the grid one is the mother and the other is the wife of Ruthard der Ältere van Alemannien, de Altere