>>*a) [Ewan MacDougal, Lord of Lorn EWEN of Argyll] (-after 4 Apr [1268]). The Saga of Eirspennill’s Hakon Hakon’s son records that "the kings of the Hebrides were Dugald Screech and his brother Duncan, the father of John who was king afterwards…the sons of Dungal, Somerled’s son"[1050]. The Saga of Eirspennill’s Hakon Hakon’s son records that "John, Duncan’s son, and Dugald, Ruadri’s son" met Alexander II King of Scotland in 1248 and "endeavoured…that the king should give them the title of king over the northern part of the Hebrides"[1051]. "…Domino Ewgenio de Argadia, Domino M. avunculo nostro…" subscribed the charter dated 4 Apr "1218" (suggested redating to 1268 by the editor of the cartulary) under which "Malisius comes de Stratheryn" donated property at Abircarnich to Inchaffray[1052]. m ---. The name of Ewen’s wife is not known. Ewen & his wife had three children :
>>>*i) [Mary of Argyll MARY] (-[28 Sep 1300/10 Oct 1303], bur London, Grey Friars Church).
>>>*ii) [Alasdair Macdubhgaill, Lord mormaer of Lorn ALEXANDER Macdougall] ). m [NN de Comyn --- Comyn], daughter of [Sir John l "the Red" Comyn, Earl of Badenoch, Justiciar of Galloway JOHN Comyn Lord of Badenoch] & his first wife [Eve Stewart Eva] ---. Andrew Wyntoun’s Cronykil records that "the Red Cwmyn" had four daughters, of whom the third married "Alysawndyr off Argayle" by whom she had "Jhon off Lorne…Ewyn off Lorne"[1058]. Alexander & his wife had two children:
>>>>*(a) [Sir John MacDougall, 5th of Dunollie and of Lorn JOHN] . Andrew Wyntoun’s Cronykil records that "the Red Cwmyn" had four daughters, of whom the third married "Alysawndyr off Argayle" by whom she had "Jhon off Lorne…Ewyn off Lorne"[1059].
>>>>*(b) [Ewen Macdougall, of Lorn EWEN] . Andrew Wyntoun’s Cronykil records that "the Red Cwmyn" had four daughters, of whom the third married "Alysawndyr off Argayle" by whom she had "Jhon off Lorne…Ewyn off Lorne"[1060].
>>>*iii) [Julianna MacDougall JULIANA] .