Henri de Namur, comte de Luxembourg - Parents Henri de Namur, comte de Luxembourg

Started by dale scott on Tuesday, October 6, 2020
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10/6/2020 at 3:05 PM


His profile has no parents.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_IV_of_Luxembourg states he was the son of Godfrey I of Namur and Ermesinda, daughter of Conrad I of Luxembourg.

http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NAMUR.htm#HenriIdied1196 states he was the son of GODEFROI de Namur, son of ALBERT III Comte de Namur & his wife Ida von Sachsen (-19 Aug 1139) and ERMENSENDE de Luxembourg, widow of ALBERT [II] Graf von Dagsburg, daughter of CONRAD I Comte de Luxembourg & his [second] wife Clémence --- (-26 Jun 1141).

Should Godefroi de Namur and Ermensende be added as his parent?

Dale Scott

Private User
10/6/2020 at 5:12 PM

I think you're right. And I guess the problem that had some people confused was that Henri de Namur had both mother and daughter by the same name.

His father, Godfrey, divorced his first wife (Sybil) after she became pregnant with another man's child. His second wife was:

ERMENSENDE de Luxembourg, widow of ALBERT [II] Graf von Dagsburg, daughter of CONRAD I Comte de Luxembourg & his [second] wife Clémence --- (-26 Jun 1141)

Ermesinde II, Comtesse de Luxembourg

and Henri's daughter with Agnes of Guelders was:

ERMENSENDE de Namur (Jul 1186-12 Feb 1247

Ermesinde de Namur, countess of Luxemburg

This is his father:

Godefroi I, Comte de Namur

In this old merge you can see that "mama" Ermesinde was originally designated "I" (the First). Then sometime afterwards, amidst the natural confusion, she somehow became the Second ("II"). Then somehow the mother became the daughter (curator noted the dates were inconsistent), and she and her husband got disconnected from their son, Henri (father of the real Ermesinde II).


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