Guillaume 'Willem' Néel/Nel, a1 SVPROG - Guillaume Néel, who became Willem Nel. burial

Started by Andries Willem O'Neill on Sunday, September 27, 2020
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so i see Willem Nel was buried Plaas Bootmansdrif, Franschhoek, Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid-Afrika. How do you know this. i cannot find his grave anywhere. the owners of Bootmansdrif said there are no graves there. so here is the part that baffles me. if he sold all his farms and bought a house in cape Town and became very ill, why would they transport and bury him on a farm he does not own? after death his wife sold the house and moved in with one of her kids. my bet they would bury him in Cape Town.

Ek glo nie ons moet gaan op raaiskote nie.
Volgens navorsing wat gedoen is, is hy op die plaas, Bootmansrust, begrawe. Ek het ook met die huidige eienaars gepraat en sê dat hulle nie so graf kan opspoor nie. Nou sê sekere bronne dat Wellingtonse spoorweg stasie bo-oor genoemde grafte gebou is. Dit is baie hartseer.

I'm personally not sure where that information originated, but there has been a lot of research into Huguenot burial sites in SA and one of the other managers or a curator may be able to assist.

The fact that the graveyard no longer exists on the farm isn't proof in itself that he wasn't buried there. Many farm graveyards fall into disrepair or disappear completely once immediate descendants have moved away or passed on.

Willem Nel is listed on the Huguenot monument in Franschhoek, though. The curators there may have verifiable information about his burial if you'd like to look into it. See

the fact that not one research site or family tree/project has a paper trail of his burial place is baffling. even his date of death is messed up. i suspect some are using his signing a testament date as his death date. i also believe people assume he must be buried on his farm. he had 2 farms. he sold his farms many years before dying in CT. now i must ask, why bury him on a farm he used to own but now has new owners??? why transport him by wagon (no cars or tarred roads or fridge trucks) all the way to wellington if he lived in Cape Town. for all logical reasons i think he will be found in CT somewhere and possibly likely in an unmarked grave UNLESS someone comes forward with documentation/gravestone
btw, why would he be buried at wellington?

Happy to remove it - if everyone is happy with that.

Hi All

Just a point if we saying that there is no paper trail for his burial. Equally we cannot simply just be scrapping the information with no paper trail. Is is not better to place a note on the disputed burial place and updated when we have more concrete proof of burial. It doesn’t alter the individuals existence or his descendant line. Kind regards Stanley

I'd like to know the origin of the burial location info that is on geni. ie Who put it there? Is it actually in a book somewhere?

As the profile was added by June Barnes perhaps in the first instance it is best to revert to her?

Just looked through the revisions to the profile. Herman Booysens updated the burial information on the 4th July at 4:13pm

Just another point his death is recorded as being on the farm in the Drakenstein and not in Capetown. I have a copy of the will all in Dutch so will need translation and several other locations including family search too point to Bootmans rust being the place he died. Will add docs as sources tomorrow

Thanks Stanley - that will help a lot

I will dig into my references and see if I can rediscover the source I used at the time.

I see that I found the burial location on this link:

I took it at face value at the time and did not search for alternative sources for confirmation, Gleaning from this discussion so far, it may well be pure conjecture, but I cannot be certain.

Stanley Vernon Backhouse, if you could let me have a link to his Will, I can transcribe and translate it. I have been trained in reading handwriting from Ancient Rome and Greece (in in the original Latin and Greek texts), and by applying the same principles I can read the rather idiosyncratic Dutch handwriting on the early documents as well. I am fluent in Dutch.

Great. Let us know :-)

Andries Willem O'Neill, please contribute whatever sources you may have. It will help to sort out this issue.

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