I see somebody's been doing merges on the Lindsays.
The "Marjorie" thing starts with the Pinkeney claim to the throne of Scotland. Robert Pinkeney, one of the lesser Competitors, derived his claim through his father Henry's mother, Alicia de Lindsay, stating her to be the daughter of [David de Lindsay and] Marjorie...the wording in the original document leaves it just the slightest bit uncertain if it is talking about one Marjorie or two, mother and daughter. (Chronologically, two is a better fit.)
In any case, the "Marjorie" (or Margareta in formal Latin) from whom Pinkeney ultimately derives his claim is explicitly stated to be the daughter of "Henr patre Regis Willi". This happens to describe, rather precisely, Margaret Countess of Richmond, who *didn't* marry a Lindsay, but who *may have* taken a certain Border lord for her third husband (William FitzPatrick alias de Hertburn, alias de Washington, of Greenlaw, Westmoreland) and had a namesake daughter who *would* have been the right age to marry off to David de Lindsay. Note that this theory makes the Pinkeney claim completely legitimate, but he still didn't have the political clout to back it up.
Any other theories deriving a Margaret/Marjorie from the Dunkeld line have to assume a serious error somewhere, most commonly that "Marjorie" was an extramarital daughter, not of Henry, but of one of his sons (most likely David).
I don't think there's any documentation anywhere as to the wife of Gille Crist of Angus.