Consistency Check:
Rohese Giffard de Longueville is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Avice de Clare.
Pierre de Dammartin, Comte de Dammartin-en-Goële born before the birth of his mother Lady Rohese FitzRichard de Clare, Contesse.Comte Hugues II de Dammartin, Count of Dammartin born before the birth of his mother Lady Rohese FitzRichard de Clare,
Contesse.More than 22 year age difference between Lady Rohese FitzRichard de Clare, Contesse and her husband Ralph de Tillières, Earl of Tellieres.
Lady Rohese FitzRichard de Clare, Contesse is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Lady Marguerite De Mandeville.
Hi Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1, occasionally I have found that these perhaps unrealistic ages or inconsistencies may arise from erroneous homonym merges. To try to sort these out, check for aunts and uncles with similar names (and other sources, such as the roglo base for European nobility). Let me know if you need any help with translations or anything.
Marie Janice Patureau sometimes it is correct too but under 12 years can happen but is not ultra common.Just like women having children over 55. It can happen but is not an everyday occurrence. In my family that very well could have happened based on biological processes that are common in my family (well at least we women).
I checked the roglo base, and this profile is no present. However, in the app GENEANET, there are several. You can check here: https://en.geneanet.org/fonds/individus/?go=1&nom=FitzRichard+d...=
I have a Geneanet account with a copy of my tree there, just to be present. I've found some historical info on that sife. I alwayd cross-check, of course.
I re-tried in the roglo base, and found this match, but no dates... http://roglo.eu/roglo?lang=fr;p=rohese;n=de+clare;oc=1
Some Geneanet profiles cite, as a source, this GENI profile!
Another, Geneastar (famous people) profile lists Rohese' likely birth date closer to c1055. See here: https://gw.geneanet.org/gntstarcruise?n=fitzrichard+de+clare&oc...