Solomon (Yekutiel Zalman) Markovich Brodsky (Brodsky is the proper spelling) is referred to in the sources as a wealthy man in Kiev from a famous family - are he and his wife Chaya Brodsky identical with Solomon (Yekutiel Zalman) Markovich Brodsky and his wife Chaya Brodsky, who match that description? (Her maiden name also matches.)
This article in HaMelitz seems to identify them as the same: http://jpress.org.il/Olive/APA/NLI_heb/SharedView.Article.aspx?href...
(Yekusiel Zalman Brodsky of Kiev son of Meir Brodsky of Zlatopol born in Brody, married to a grandaughter of R. Akiva Eiger, died in 1883 age 67 - so the age is off a bit in any case, as this is definitely Solomon (Yekutiel Zalman) Markovich Brodsky)
And I missed the fact that their fathers are clearly identical: Meir Brodsky and Meir Brodsky ('Mavrodi' is a mistaken rendering of Hebrew mi-Brodi, of Brody)
Kevin Lawrence Hanit, I was hoping someone with expertise would confirm my suspicion. If no one chimes in with direct knowledge in the next few days, I'll go ahead and merge them, because it looks obvious to me.
I will have to check my family tree. It includes the "Sugar Brodsky" family and goes back to 960CE. I am pretty sure I was named for my ?? g g great uncle Zalman. My tree is about 400 pages long with about 800 photos that includes many of the Sugar Brodsky descendants. My mother was a BRODSKY. Are you related to any of the Brodskys? ...or what is your connection to the people you are asking about?
Private User, sorry, I just saw your message, as I was indeed away for Yom Kippur - my connection is because I am in middle of writing a blog post which has some information abput Helene Brodsky's mother's family (and a bit about her father's) - the main subject of the post is Helene/Hinda's half-sister's husband's family, but that's the way research goes...
Private User, yes, but very tangential.
I had ancestor whose second wife was a Rubin, who later married an Epstein, and my research of her family and her second family - who had famous connections, but aren't well described anywhere - became two still-unfinished series of blog posts. Helene's half-sister married a nephew of said Epstein.
I can post a link to the blog posts that are up already, if you'd like, but I don't want to put my findings on the Geni tree until several weeks have passed from posting (because I make reference to what is already on Geni, and it looks redundant if my research is already here).
Here is my post which touches on Helene Brodsky née Feinberg and her parents: