Hannu Laurinpoika Osara - Locked / requested merge

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, August 18, 2020
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Reijo Mitro Savola, Geni Curator would you please review the merge requested by many users, at https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000022696161594?to=600000013...

Also I see this profile has duplicate wives named Kristina, those should be merged as well, yes?



Currently I have no time to investigate this. This family is out of my own research scope, and I have locked the profiles by a separate request of researchers of the area.

My own genealogical research concentrates on ceased, Olonets and White Sea Karelia.

I haven't heard previously any wish to connect further family, referring to the previous post.

I have asked Erkki A Tikkanen (Geni Curator) to help. This is closer to Erkki's research area.


Unknown Profile I've deleted your comment because it's rude to demand another user change his or her photo (and to insinuate anything about being and adult)

Reijo Mitro Savola, Geni Curator I would ask that you either unlock the profile or have another curator take it over, if you have no time to keep it updated or accurate.

I hope that Erkki A Tikkanen (Geni Curator) could take over of the profile. However, it is a
strong wish from several researchers that the profile remains an MP, since there is a lot of unsourced claims around this family and making it public would result to a mess.

I didn't see the deleted comment but I guess that comment was not advancing solving of genealogical issues relevant here.


nämä ihmiset ovat esivanhempiani ja sukulaisiani aivan kuten monen muunkin. Toivoisin, että se, joka tekee MP-profiileja, olisi tarpeeksi kiinnostunut ja perehtynyt aiheeseen, jotta faktat ovat kohdillaan.

Osaran lähipiiri on perhe ja suku, joihin tulee kyetä tekemään lisäyksiä. Ei ole löytynyt lähdettä Hans Larsson (Osaran) liittämiseksi Roth-sukuun ainakaan toistaiseksi. Ei muuta kuin hänen oma todistuksensa, joka sinänsä voi olla totta. Hans Larssonin ja vaimonsa MP:t eivät kuitenkaan voi estää liittämästä perhettä ja sukua yhteen, eikä lisäysten ym. olevan liian hankalia.

Lukemieni selvitysten ja lähteiden mukaan joitain korjauksia ydinperheessä. Mielelläni haluaisin nähdä lisätietoa, näkemyksiä ja faktoja, jotka ovat mahdollisesti erilaisia, jotta pääsisimme mahdollisimman lähelle oikeaa ratkaisua

Nämä ovat samoja henkilöitä
Hans Larsson Osaran puoliso, ei tytär
Kerstin Hansdotter Osara
sama henkilö

Tieto sukulaisuussuhteista;
"...en Underskrefwen lagligh Bytes Lengd, De Dato den 10 Martij An:o 1632, at opå H:r Johans [Britan puoliso] och Erich Eskellssons [Margaretan puoliso] Swär Moors [anoppi Kirstin Jo(hans)dotter] hustru Kirstin Johansdotters Tridiung ähr fallet ... Sölfwer Mynt, Opå S: Johan Hanssons [poika] ahnpart ... Och på hwardera [sisaret] Syster Margretas och Britas deell"
Yrjö Kotivuori, Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852: Abraham Ikalensis. Verkkojulkaisu 2005 <https://ylioppilasmatrikkeli.helsinki.fi/henkilo.php?id=766&gt;. Luettu 10.8.2019.

Toisen puolison kanssa yhteiset lapset tulee kyetä liittämään perheeseen;
Kirstin Johansdotterin
ensimmäinen puoliso on Hans Larsson (Osara)
Hannu Laurinpoika Osara
toinen Carl Paulsson Wernberg
Carl Paulinpoika

Vieläkin on kaksi erillistä puuta samasta perheestä.

+ muuta.

Samanlaisia ongelmia esiintyy myös muualla Genin puissa. Toivottavasti ne otetaan yleisesti tarkasteluun.

Ystävällisin terveisin

Riitta Lehtiniemi

Let's wait Erkki's views on this family.

Before that, let's keep the profile locked, as was the original wish of several users who asked me to lock it.

I locked it only because it was asked, not because of any own causes as some try to claim here - please understand this.

Creating MPs does not make any sense if they are first created for very good reason and later opened to allow again the same activity that originally caused the creation of the MP.

Reijo Mitro Savola, Geni Curator - re: "Creating MPs does not make any sense if they are first created for very good reason and later opened to allow again the same activity that originally caused the creation of the MP."
-- -- as I understand it, most MPs are not locked -- are you thinking they are or??

This MP profile would also be easy to merge and detach incorrect family relationships, but it is locked for some reason. Sufficiently informative text on the profile is enough, I believe, in most cases to keep the profile correct. Does it really make sense to use curatorial time for this kind of fixes?

Already 20 people have approved this merge.

If 20 people have approved this merge, that doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Reliable source information is what must be followed in this case. No assumptions or opinions of others.

If anyone has to present a fact then the profile needs to be updated.

"If 20 people have approved this merge, that doesn’t mean it’s correct."

The sentence is intended to refer to update needs and the time required to correct the data.

Reliable sources are, of course, the basis of genealogy.

If you believe this MP needs to be updated, post your sources. I expect the curator of record (Savola) to respond to that -- but there's no obligation to just take someone else's changes without evidence.

If the curator can't or won't make corrections based on reliable evidence, then another curator should step up or we should remove the MP designation.

Erkki A Tikkanen (Geni Curator) will look at this. Please wait until he has time. Currently, there is no reliable source information available that would substantiate any changes. Therefore, I have asked Erkki to help. I am sure that he can find the source information if it exists.

Hi, I will check this profile. I have been in very bad flu and have had no interest to do anything else than lay down in my bed and drinking hot beverages with vitamin C and some painkillers.

Erkki A Tikkanen (Geni Curator), no hurry. Please rest enough. The old documents don't escape, they'll wait - and the rest of us will wait!

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