St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse - Confused about second wife

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, August 16, 2020
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Managers of St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse,

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I'm confused concerning his second wife. Was she Orable the widow of a Moor, or was she Guibour von Hornbach, daughter of Lambert de Treves?

His Geni record states William is the "Husband of Cunégonde and Guibour." Guibour links to Witburga D'herbauges. Her Overview states, "Gilbour of Hornbach Born: ABT 760 in Hornbach, Prussia Died: BEF 803 Father: Lambert I Count of Hornbach b: ABT 720 in Hornbach, Prussia" cites sources that Guibour could be the daughter of Lambert
"Sources for this Information:
date: abt 770 [Ref: Settipani Nobles p8], father: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p74]
?Lambert [Ref: Todd Farmerie SGM 12/15/1997-134501]
probably dau [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p215]" states his will names his living wives Gunegunde and Guitburgi, and notes Guitburgi is said to have been the widow of the Moorish wali of Orange. It also states the name of Guitburgi before her baptism was Orable. states that according to the songs about Guillaume, Orable converted and married Guillaume under the Christian name of Guibourg, states, "He married twice, his second wife the Lady of Orange apparently the widow of a Saracen Lord that he killed and whose estates he seized. The widow was a beautiful woman called Gibourac (She had been called Orable, but having her christened gave him the opportunity to change her name as well as her religion)."

What is your opinion? Was the second wife Orable, renamed Guibourg? Is Orable a myth? Was the second wife really the daughter of Lambert?


dale scott

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