Trying to clear up Townes Roadblocks

Начал John Armstead Townes суббота, 11 июля 2020
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11.7.2020 в 2:30 после полудня

My name is John Armistead Townes an have been been working on my family tree. I've his a roadblock if anyone can help. My core family is from Virginia (though some left for Misissippi, Alabama and Texas.

I can directly trace back to an Armstead Terrell Townes. But beyond that it gets sketchy....Some family trees have us descended via William Townes to a James Robert Townes who went to Va. from England. (one of six brothers) .....But other versions list it as Edmond Townes who emigrated to Massachusetts....It's frustrating because it clouds the link between my known relatives and the key ones who cane over here......(and there seem to be a predominance of Johns and Wiliams in the Townes family.)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

11.7.2020 в 2:38 после полудня

I should add that one tree lists Armstead's father as Jack Leigh Townes, son of William Townes.

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