Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort Of England - Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort of England

Started by Dona Lorine Kimmons, Sr. on Saturday, June 27, 2020
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I have been working on Eleanor d'Aquitaine and King Henry II, and both profiles were correct on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, as we corrected them to be as hey were on May 20, 2020 and June 26, 2020. This profile is now wrong, she is not my 24th great-grandmother, she is my 23rd great-grandmother, as shown in my Cornwall/Cornwell lines, and of which I have been DNA matched to. The correct profile was done on May 20-2020, and again on June 26, 2020, please correct this profile again.It is not through Williams/Echols lines, that is not corect, and someone changed it since Wednesday when we were working on these two profile, which were corrected two day again, I need a Curator to refresh this profile again to correct it as it was correct on Wednesday, an on June 27, 2020, and on May 20, 2020, and it was correct for a very long time, please correct this profile, it is wrong.
Dona Floyd Kimmons

if you are positive you had it right ask a curator to make it into a master profile so others can not change it

Actually, it is an MP; but, there are nigh 700 Managers. You'll need to get it corrected, then ask a Curator to Lock the Profile.

This is how it lines up for me:

Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort Of England is your 26th great grandmother.
→ Kenneth Bernard Ferree
your father → Estle Edgar Ferree
his father → George Calvin Ferree
his father → Ephraim D Ferree
his father → Jacob Ferree, III
his father → Pvt. Jacob Ferree
his father → Jacob Ferree, Sr.
his father → Leah Corlea Ferree
his mother → Abraham Louis DuBois, Sr
her father → Louis "The Walloon" DuBois
his father → Chrétien du Bois
his father → Greffier receveur de coupigny Antoine Louis Dubois
his father → Louis du Bois de Fienes
his father → Antoine du Bois de Fiennes, seigneur de Vermelles
his father → Charles I du Bois de Fiennes, seigneur du Bois d'Esquerdes
his father → Jean III du Bois de Fiennes, seigneur du Bois Desquerdes
his father → Sir Philippe du Bois de Fiennes
his father → Catherine Tyrel de Poix, dame de Bienque
his mother → Pierre Tyrel de Poix
her father → Jean II Tyrel, seigneur de Poix
his father → Jean I Tyrel, seigneur de Poix
his father → Guillaume Tyrel, seigneur de Poix
his father → Marguerite de Rambures
his mother → Hawise of Bournonville
her mother → Hawise de Crevecoeur
her mother → Marguerite de Blois, comtesse de Blois et de Chartres
her mother → Alice de France, Comtesse de Blois
her mother → Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort Of England
her mother

The path between two profiles is determined by the relationship calculator, it is updating almost constantly. No one can lock a path.

The software is designed to find the shortest path with the least steps between two profiles.

The number of potential paths between living profiles and Eleanor are enormous so anyone making a change between her and the modern tree could alter the path displayed for everyone.

The only work that I ever did was up to KIng edward the 2nd. That got changed so I dont know anything about other royalty that was all done by I suppose Geni software.

I have 2 pages of her ancestors out of a book called Royalty from Commanders. They have some of ancestors and descendants and they list where they found the information. I can e-mail the pages if someone tell me where to send it. They have her descendant to Philippa of Hainault born 1312. The book has her ancestors also The book author is Roderick W. Stuart. Fourth editions.

All these people are my several grand parents. I found also all of this information from different books at my library

You would have to identify exactly which profile in your own path to her had changed, and ask curators to look at that one - if you thought it was in error.

This is an excellent source to use as well: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/AQUITAINE.htm#Eleonoredied1204

Alex Moes, In my later years, I have become lazy, and I Assume that Others know what I’m talking about. I shouldn’t, I know. No one should do that. When I said Lock it, I was speaking of the Individual Profile, certainly not the generation path, which I know is constantly updated. I believe the lady was speaking and complaining about how Eleanor’s Profile keeps getting amended with the result of her line becoming lost, later on down her line.

Locking her profile would have no effect on her line.

Addendum. But it appears, from another comment, to have been a operating glitch, which frequently occurs. Programs can have their slips of intentional results — just as I, and all humans, have.

Two people have corrected this profile, twice now, Jathan Pfeife had it corected yesterday, and Tamas Finn Caldwell-Gilbert also had it corrected as of yesterday. Again, Edeanor d'Aquitaine is my 23rd great-grandmother, which was corrected yeserday by Jathah Pfeife, and you can read more from him on Henry II's profile answer to Tamas. Louis Vii is my 24th great-grandfather. John Lackland is my 22nd great-grandfather, now showing both him and Henry II as my 23rd great-grandfather. These profiles were corrected yesterday by Jathan Pfgeife, and Louis VII is my 24th great-grandfather as shown on February 14,2020 and May 29, 2020, these profiles need correction as they were before, as they were corrrect for a long time.
Dona Floyd Kimmons

You are probably related to her several different ways, and the Geni relationship calculator is finding one that maybe you didn't know about. Changing the *profile* will have no effect on the *path* - you have to find out where *that* changed, and whether *that* change was valid or not.

Yes this is difficult for newcomers to understand. It's something we just have to live with.

Dona Lorine Kimmons, Sr. I wrote about this in another discussion. Aliénor, Reine de France et Angleterre also is one of our many ancestors, through many different lines. When we go back for example -900 years, (assuming that there is a new generation every twenty-five years), that would be 36th generation. where each of us have 68,719,476,736 ancestors - Yes. A lot. Most of them are the same person, in the different place in the tree.

When we are talking about our generation 23th, there are 8,388,608 ancestors to choose, many are the same. We can only imagine how many of our ancestor lines are missing from Geni, even though there are millions of profiles and lines which is quite amazing itself!

So yes, it is very normal that the lines can jump in Geni, from 23 to over 30 - showing the path through other ancestor. In many cases if there are not enough of generations, we can also assume the line is false or missing generations. Geni normally shows your shortest path to her.

Dona Lorine Kimmons, Sr. can you explain what you mean by "corrected"? What is being corrected?

Marvin Loyd Welborn I too make assumptions constantly both in life and on Geni, it is very normal and extremely difficult to over come even when consciously trying to do so. Idioms and short hand and slang are a part of everyday life but one man's idiom is another man's riddle (especially when language and cultural barriers exist). I was invited yesterday to "throw a rock" at somebody, which apparently means to say hello! I was very embarrassed and called an ambulance immediately!

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert are you able to "shed any light" on the correcting that Dona is witnessing? https://www.geni.com/discussions/214917?msg=1398871

To Saga:

Thank you for your comment, and I know you are correct in what you state. It just seems common sense to me, that if Hnery II is my 23rd great-grandfather, then his wife, Eleanor should be my 23rd great-grandmother as well. And his son, John, King of England should be my 22nd geatt-grandfather, as it was before on Feb. 2020, but I do know you are correct, thank you for your comment.


Dona Floyd Kimmons

There was a child further up the line who accidentally got disconnected from her parents, Rhoda Nicholson, which is why the relationship was off for a while. I fixed the connection, but it seems that the relationship calculator is just acting up a little. The correcting is referring to the correct path being shown in the relationship calculator.

Dona Lorine Kimmons, Sr. As has been mentioned in other posts, what is important is that the connection is on the Geni tree and that it is valid. The relationship calculator is just a piece of software that often works in mysterious ways. I think the reason that the generations do not work the way you described above is because Geni has Henry II as your 23rd great grandfather through William Longespee, 3rd Earl of Salisbury (a son born of one of Henry's mistresses). Eleanor therefore is not your 23rd great-grandmother because she is not the mother of William Longespee. Rather she is your ancestor through another path that goes through her son John I, but through that connection she is your 24th great-grandmother. The Geni tree currently has Henry II as both your 23rd and 24th great-grandfather through different lines. I hope this makes sense.

Dona Lorine Kimmons, Sr. I totally understand that these lines confuses us many times. It is very nice tool that Geni has. In real life, our 24th Great Grandfather can be our uncle, stepfather and 1st cousin at the same time. All of his brothers and sisters can be our direct ancestors too. There is a beautiful network in our past, made of our ancestors.

Thank you for you comments. I think I now understand, as Anne Brannen explained it to me on Henry II's discussion.
Dona Floyd Kimmons

That discussion, Henry II, for those of you trying to follow both... https://www.geni.com/discussions/214774?msg=1399257

I have finished my discussion on this profile.
Dona Floyd Kimmons

When I had paf 5 family tree builder they sometimes showed me over 100 combination of lines going back to someone born over 800 years ago. They said that he was several great grandfather though each. Sometimes there would only be a couple of names different It was discontinued several years ago,

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