Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו - Is this right?

Started by Arthur Saraiva de Queiroz on Sunday, June 21, 2020
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Hello, I'm confused. Geni says that Abraham is my 110th great grandfather. However, I'm conected with Ishmael. If I'm a Sefarad Jew, how can this be possible? I'm really confused with this. I will aprecciate if someone explain to me. Thanks!

Have you counted all possible where some of your anscestors is not who you think I wiuld not say that I would be connected to him with such a distance even i has him as 104th great grandfather. But I cant say Im related he is to far away but we might because we all might be rekared once upon time.

I too used to be directly descended from Jacob (also Aaron, brother of Moses). I did my best to argue logically against some recent modifications that had effectively alienated so many people of European and noble ancestry, myself included.

Our common ancestor is Annabella, Queen consort of Scots

Arthur, I hope I understand your question. Nobles and royals throughout history intermarried constantly across ethnic and religious lines. It was a dangerous world of frequent warfare where advantageous political alliances through marriage could prevent the domination or extermination of one's people by another.

Also there are instances of people who left one faith for another.

And think about it: our ancestry has a mathematical element which fairly quickly becomes exponential: 2 grandparents, 4 gg, 8 ggg, 16 gggg, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 -- and that latter number is only 10 generations. If you're looking 20 generations back or more, you've got literally thousands of great grandparents at that point.

Wow! It is awesome!!! Thank you to all of you! You've opened my mind! I was so confused about that. I really love this site. And now I know that I'm descendant from Ishmael!

Lets remember this: At generation 40th, we all have - every person - 1,099,511,627,776 ancestors. That is ONLY about 1000 years back. It is obvious that there were never that many people living in the same time at earth, so most of our lines goes to the same persons living in that time.

Just think about it when we go back 10.000 or 100.000 years ;)

Everybody with european ancestors are counted to be at least about 15th cousins to each other or closer, multiple times. Everyone has cousin marriages in ancestry and individual ancestors showing up in multiple places in our family trees.

Yes, Geni is amazing. Here, I find I'm related to almost everyone!

Private User is my 17th cousin twice removed.

Amy Anderson my 13th cousin twice removed.

Private User my 7th cousin.

Per Olof Johansson my 23rd cousin once removed.

Arthur Saraiva de Queiroz my 20th cousin thrice removed.

Annabella, Queen consort of Scots my 19th great grandmother.

Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו my 107th great grandfather.

That is very possible because convertion to judaism

Geni is mathematic there for we have amazing things
My brother in low is also my second cousin but connected to me by my ex-wife

I'm impressed about all of it. I've never thought like that! Geni is really amazing! I'm connected to all of you! Avraham Meyer, I'm not connected to you, however, I'm the 22nd cousin 11 times removed of your ex-wife.

I get many inquiries from people who are very distant cousins of mine,And I asked myself many times: How far back is a cousin?
Is Grandfather 50 considered Grandfather? In my opinion yes (he is considered an ancestor) but regarding a cousin ??? I do not have an answer

Arthur Saraiva de Queiroz.We are very distant cousin and I am also *descended* from both Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו.and Ishmael .. This is possible because the further back you go, the more *great grandparents* you connect to. The fact is, as humans, we are all connected, regardless of nationality, the farther back you go. ☮️

Sorry, meant to write Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו, not Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו ....... Indeed, our family has numerous situations where we are descended from two different children of the same parents, as recently as 5 generations ago

Has there been a recent update or tree clean up to the Biblical tree and how it's connected to the Assyrian kings and queens through the centuries then onto European monarchies?!

I have found blood and in law relationships to the Rashi-Shapira project and also the project of pertaining to Mohammed's family tree. I had also found blood and in law relationships to the Finley family tree project.

Could someone be so kind to fill me in if there has been new insights that have changed or caused a tree clean up in these projects I've just mentioned?!

I'm noticing now only in law relationships rather than blood and in law relationships to the Biblical tree.

Thanks, any reply to my message will be much appreciated!

Several years ago I discovered a link to me thru one of Abraham's sons and I clicked on the other one Issac and I was descended from him also according to the computer records. When you go that far back we are all related. My DNA report probably goes back perhaps about a 1000 years,it says I am 1 percent Irish 1 percent Russian 5 percent German, and 93 percent Norse. I think in the future DNA records will be most interesting as they become more accurate.

Thanks, Ernest Roy Iversen for replying to my question!

Arthur Saraiva de Queiroz vou te responder em português mesmo, eu também tive essa mesma surpresa... antes eu era ligada por Avraham por uma linhagem armênia do qual descendo e da qual um historiador do Séc. VII (ou IX de acordo com alguns) dizia que esta linhagem descendia do Rei David, mas acabaram que apagaram esta linha do geni e ela está sendo trabalhada e pesquisada pra ser validada, enfim... a questão de ser descendente de Avraham por Ishmael se dá pq por séculos ouve intenso convívio, disputas e guerras entre Reis Portugueses e Espanhóis com o Império Umayyad (Omíada), e os Shaharshan (Sultões) eram descendentes de Ishmael... pura história correndo pelas nossas veias.

Marco Tulio Santos Oliveira eu fico impressionado com isso. Amo história e tenho estudado muito sobre isso. Percebi que minha ligação com Ishmael foi alterada. Não possuo mais parentesco sanguíneo com ele e sim um parentesco por um casamento no passado. Enfim, estou aprendendo todos os dias a utilizar esse site que tem me surpreendido muito todos os dias!

Inclusive, Marco Tulio Santos Oliveira, somos parentes distantes. Sou seu primo de 18º grau 3 vezes removido. Nossos parentes comum são D.Gonçalo Rodrigues de Morais. Sr. de Morais e a esposa D.Constança Soares.

97th great grandfather also have the yellow emperor as 147 th ,do I believe pigs fly ,no ,lol

Steve Lanyon There were several issues in your tree, missing sources at your profiles before Ferdinando Huddleston. Can you add those. Several generations missing here and there. Basicly you probably are descendant to many of these old prophets also, if they had enough offspring, it is just hard to prove, we can still make Geni world tree as accurate it only can be in the parts, it is possible - so adding sources and info to profiles is the best thing Geni user can do :)

Hi Saga yes I’m aware I’m have trouble solving the issues on maternal side as there’s no surviving members and little information will get there eventually

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