Susannah WIse (Dawson) had a birth date after her parent's (Elizabeth Kimball (Dawson)) death date.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Susannah WIse (Dawson) (born 1814) or check the death date of Elizabeth Kimball (Dawson) (died 1795).
Date in future (1)
Susannah WIse (Dawson) has a marriage event listed in the future.
Tip: Go to the profile of Susannah WIse (Dawson) and review her marriage date (3/25/18355).
Event after death (1)
Susannah WIse (Dawson) has a marriage event listed in her profile after her death date.
Tip: Go to the profile of Susannah WIse (Dawson) (died 1880) and review her death date and events.