Rachael Bradford (Raymond) - Siblings born 66 years apart

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Monday, May 25, 2020
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Rachael Bradford has a sibling (Abigail Raymond) whose birthdays are 66 days apart.
Tip: Go to the profile of Rachael Bradford (born February 14, 1658) and review her sibling's profile (Abigail Raymond, born December 10, 1657) to determine if the birth dates are correct.

William Bradford son of Thomas lived in New Jersey with will dated 9/11/1747 and in wills text reference daughter Reymond and in sale in 18l04-1806 25 plus acres later mentioned father was owner in original survey at the time She had married a Williams who was apparently dead at the time---belive William was son of Thomas and Anne Raymond with siblings Joshua, James, anne, Jerusa.

Fixed it. :)

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