(Owen) James McNeal McShane has
* born after 1745 UK
* died 30/9/1867 Tasmania
His son was born in 1768 so a birth date of 1745 is plausible however this would mean that he died when he was around 122 years of age.
This death date is the same death date as his grandson John McShane, Free Settler "Brothers" 1835
The Mercury - Wed 2 October 1867 Page 1
McSHANE.—On the 30th September, 1867, at his residence, Broad Marsh, after a long and painful illness, Mr. John McShane, in the 70th year of his age. The funeral will leave his late residence at 8 a.m. on Friday, and St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town, at 3 p.m. Friends are invited to attend
I believe that the death date and location has been incorrectly added to the wrong profile.