Roger Warwick James says
I am contacting you about this profile: Henry Clifford De Meillon, PROG
Something wrong here. Alice Harwood is not a daughter of HC. Someone has got generations of John Luyt’s family muddled up.
Roger Warwick James says
I am contacting you about this profile: Henry Clifford De Meillon, PROG
Something wrong here. Alice Harwood is not a daughter of HC. Someone has got generations of John Luyt’s family muddled up.
I really dont know what you are talking about as I am not the administrator of the information of the de Meillon family on geni. I dont know who alice Harwood is. All I have is Elizabeth Albertha(Aletta) de Meillon who was married to John Leopoldt Luyt. She is the daughter of Hc & Enselen. See following Bapt record.
Elizabeth Albertha
Baptised: 1849, Septr. 2nd 1849
Daughter of : Henry Clifford and Barbara Enselen DE MEILLON
Occupation: Clerk
Residence: Fort Beaufort
Baptised by: Rev.E.S.Wilshere
Source: St John's Church, Fort Beaufort ( Church of the Province of Southern Africa) Baptism, marriage and burial register, 1840-1850, entry number 279. Repository: Cory Library, MS 19 074. Transcribed by Lorraine Beechey and proof read by Brenda Gassner, from photographs by Tessa King.
Please ask the people involved to stop finding fault with everything I do and even things I have not done. They make it difficult for me to enjoy what I am doing. I hope this is the end of the discussion.
Sharon Doubell - this discussion was started from Henry's. Profile. Omar is one of the managers of Henry's profile. Therefore he was notified about this discussion -- so in that way it was in fact, directed at him. And he has tried to be a helpful, responsible person by responding.
Omar Oostveen-Mc Bride - if you do not see yourself as an "administrator of the information of the de Meillon family on geni." then you might want to remove yourself as a manager of Henry's profile, and any others in that family that you Manage.
To do so go to the profile, click on Actions in upper right, choose Manager Options. Then see the box with your name and click on the little in it.
on 7/3/2020 at 10:20 Keith Derek Luyt changed Johan (John) Leopold Luyt (Elizabeth's husband)'s birthdate from 1846 to 1866 and death from 1929 to 1946
I'm changing that back.
The only merge I can see is bu you, roger:
John Leopold Luyt was merged into John Leopold Luyt by Roger Warwick James.
3 hours ago
I presume that's you trying to fix them?
Could it be that Keith didn't mismerge them, but renamed profiles?
Are these children you created while fixing the mess, in the correct place after me reverting to the correct names on Elizabeth and John's profiles?
Douglas Percival Luyt, Wilhelmina Fredericka, Vivian Basil Luyt etc
Shew, that was hours of untangling:
I now have
Johan (John) Leopold Luyt
(Sep 27 1846 - Jan 30 1929)
so Michiel Coenraad Luyt & Isabella Servasina Knap
x Elizabeth Albertus Luyt
*Wilhelmina *Lilian *Blanche * Isabella *Mabel *Adelaide *Frederick *John Leopold *William *Clifford *Douglas *Vivian
John Leopold Luyt ( c1866 - 4 Oct 1948)
x Alice Maud Luyt (d 8 Marc 1948)
*Olga *Eilleen *Leslie *John
But I have no clear documentation to link them
John Leopold Luyt
Son of Johan (John) Leopold Luyt and Elizabeth Albertus De Meillon Luyt
is born 12 May 1912 - 1996
RE: "11 children are named on the DN of Elizabeth and her husband John. John Leopold is one of them but he can’t be born in 1912 as his mother would have been 63."
Agreed. If he was born in c1866, Elizabeth would have been about 21. That fits better.
1.Do we have a marriage date for Elizabeth and John? I can't find it.
2. Have any other of her children's profiles been given birth dates that are impossible?
So - changing dates on Elizabeth's son John Leopold Luyt from (12 May 1912 - 1996 (83-84))
to the same dates as on Alice's husband John Leopold Luyt( c1866 - 4 Oct 1948)
And merging the two - to join the trees.
To answer this question of mine "2. Have any other of her children's profiles been given birth dates that are impossible?" No - they all seem reasonable, including the extra children, not on the DN.
The youngest - Vivian b 9 Mar 1895 - puts her at 46yrs old, if we take her birthdate as 1849. (Pushing it a bit - but who knows?)