לאה מייזליש - Childs List

Started by Netanel Isaiah Frisch on Thursday, March 12, 2020
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Profiles Mentioned:

There a Childs list of Rabbi Isaac Bunim's& Leah.
1. Rabbi Moshe ''Mahadura Batra"
2. Rabbi Shimon Wolf the father-in-law if Shach and R' Yehuda Wahl.
3. R' Avraham son-in-law of Yosef Klemens.
4. Israel son-in-law of R' Ber Klemens of Parczew.
5. (Mirel wife of Rabbi Pinchas Zelig Ashkenaz ABD Minsk and Uhersky Brod (Czechia.
Rabbi Pinchas was son of R' Yosef son-in-law of Rabbi Zalmen Ronkel who was son-in-law of Maharam Padua. Rabbi Pinchas had son Shlomo Zalmen
6. Dreisel wife of R' Isaac of Krements.
7. Kreindel wife of Rabbi Wolf Piesek of Nikolsburg. they had son R' Leib was son-in-law of Rabbi Yakov Ashkenaz.
8. Rochme wife of R' Yakov Gitels.
9. Shprinzel wife of Rabbi Israel Darshan of Kalisz
Rabbi Israel Ha-Darshan Shapira


Yigal Burstein

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