Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Kiev - Ruric

Started by James Emerson Leach, Jr on Thursday, February 6, 2020
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I am supposed to be a direct descendant of Rurik and my Y-haplogroup is N-M178, the same as his but I have not found a paternal line down to me. My most recent ancestors were in the UK.

Have you looked at maps? The fact that Yaroslav is from circa 978 means that you are not dealing with "your most recent ancestors." Think globally and build your tree.

I never knew that my father's Scottish roots would have connections to Scandinavia, but just look at the map. It is a jump across a short the North Sea. Many connections through the ages.

I meant "It is a short jump across the North Sea."

Well you are certainly a Cousin if you are Descended from Robert II of Scotland keep in mind that Norway held the Shetland islands till 1415 and there are multiple descendants of another Gaelic Viking Somerled which is the ancestor of the McDonald clan.

Yep Kevin Patrick Carey. It has all been an interesting history lesson.

Direct descent does not, necessarily, mean direct Y-dna connection. It means that through your ancestors, your line goes up to that person. Both male and female ancestors need to be taken into account.

Example of Direct decsent:
Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Kiev is your 26th great grandfather.
→ Leona Norvelle Lopienski
your mother → Floyd Myron Benjamin
her father → Charles H. Benjamin
his father → Sidney Benjamin
his father → Henry Hallock Benjamin
his father → Jesse Benjamin
his father → Hannah Wells
his mother → Joshua Wells
her father → Joshua Wells, II
his father → Hannah Wells
his mother → Deliverance Tuthill
her mother → Dorothy King
her mother → Thomas Hayne
her father → Joyce Blyke Gatacre
his mother → Humphrey Gatacre
her father → Joyce "De/joyce" Burley
his mother → Juliana de Grey
her mother → Reynold de Grey, 2nd Baron Grey de Ruthin
her father → Elizabeth Hastings, Baroness Grey of Ruthin
his mother → Isabel de Valence
her mother → William de Valence, 1st Earl of Pembroke
her father → Isabella of Angoulême
his mother → Alice de Courtenay, comtesse d'Angoulême
her mother → Pierre, de France, Seigneur de Courtenay
her father → Louis VI the Fat, king of France
his father → Philip I, king of France
his father → Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks
his mother → Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Kiev
her father

Yaroslav the Wise he is my 26th great grandfather. I have him connected to me. I have me and you connected as distant cousin. His daughter was Anna of Kiev. I found lots of cousin through her. If you are kin to the Evans, Givens, Ludlow, Blount or Radcliff they are descended of Anna of Kiev.

Our direct connection is the Ludlow's

Robert Lucious Ritter is your 11th cousin twice removed.
→ Leona Norvelle Lopienski
your mother → Floyd Myron Benjamin
her father → Charles H. Benjamin
his father → Sidney Benjamin
his father → Henry Hallock Benjamin
his father → Jesse Benjamin
his father → Hannah Wells
his mother → Joshua Wells
her father → Mary Brewster
his mother → Justice Timothy Brewster, Sr.
her father → Sarah Brewster
his mother → Honorable Roger Ludlow
her father → Thomas Ludlow, of Denton
his father → Sir Edmund Ludlow, MP
his brother → Benjamin Ludlow
his son → Edmund Ludlow
his son → Agnes McClure
his daughter → Jean Givens
her daughter → Samuel C. Givens
her son → James Robert Givens
his son → Nancy Evans
his daughter → Richard Watson Evans
her son → James Mattison Evans
his son → Maggie Lee Ritter
his daughter → Robert Lucious Ritter
her son

My point was that my y Haplogroup matches Rurik but I cannot find the paternal connection. I realize that have to consider my maternal ancestry.

N-M178 (N-TAT) is way too general . The mutation of that SNP is 12000-16000 years old.
https://yfull.com/tree/N/ -> https://yfull.com/tree/N-TAT/

N-TAT divides to multiple lines beneath It. Think N-TAT as great grandfather of Ruriks Ydna haplo. After many many sons, comes father Y-Dna haplo N-L550 and Rurik himself N-Y4339. So the line for Rurik is N-M178 -> N-L550 -> N-Y4339 .

So you really should maybe take more accurate test to test If you are N-Y4339 or not.. like fe. FTDNA BIGY + BAM-file + Yfull .


yes, Norvelle Lopienski, we're connected (on geni) through Hornbeck.

James Emerson Leach, Jr, the same, through Radcliffe.

Robert Lucious Ritter, through Philbrick.

All, I assume, to at DNA.

Kevin Patrick Carey In trying to find the profile for Somerled, I found this. You might find it an interesting read. :)


Susanne Floyd Considering how far the Scots sailed in exploration efforts, the Scandinavia trip must've been like a run to the corner store. LOL

Yaroslavl the Wise is my 29th great great and two of his children, Anna and the grand prince of Kiev are direct ancestors from my mother’s side.

Private User, for sure! LOL.

I have correspond with people that my dna match me up with Anna of Kiev. For the last few thousand years people of Royalty have been intermarrying. On one of my projects on family tree dna. The person next to me in the project is from. United Arab Republic. Hundreds of years ag if people of royalty in the Middle East got into trouble went to China and intermarried. England and Spain went all over the world leaving descendants.

@Robert Lucious Ritter Yes, since the Royals spent a lot of their time expanding (conquering) their kingdoms and fighting to keep them, marriages allied kingdoms which they could call to support them in war. Also, the marriage would keep that kingdom from becoming a foe, theoretically of course, look at the War of the Roses. ;)

Hello Cousins!
→ Richard Edward Sneed
your father → Richard Garnett Sneed
his father → Samuel Sneed
his father → Editha Middleton
his mother → Hugh Middleton, Sr
her father → William Middleton, Jr
his father → William Middleton
his father → Robert Middleton
his father → Robert Middleton, Sr.
his father → Anthony Middleton
his father → Thomas Middleton
his father → George Middleton
his father → Lancelot Middleton
his father → Gilbert Middleton
his father → Sir Thomas Middleton
his father → Sir John Middleton, Kt.
his father → Thomas Middleton
his father → Eustacia de Plumpton
his mother → Lucy Lucia (de Ros) de Plumpton
her mother → Sir William de Ros, Baron Ingmanthorpe
her father → Sir William de Ros
his father → Isabel of Scotland
his mother → William "The Lion", King of Scots
her father → Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
his mother → Elisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Crépy
her mother → Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois
her father → Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks
his mother → Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Kiev
her father

Hi cuz. :)

He is my 29th great grandfather

My 32nd great, great

Yaroslav the Wise grand prince of Kiev
is my 26th great grandfather

My 28th GGF

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