Which DNA testing kit to use?

Started by Private User on Saturday, December 28, 2019
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Private User
12/28/2019 at 8:55 AM

@Jan Novak
We wish to do paternal DNA testing to obtain the haplogroup ss well as estimated origins.
Which kit would you suggest we use?

12/28/2019 at 1:35 PM

My brother did his DNA with 23andMe and got a much more specific haplogroup, a sub-haplogroup of G-M201, G-P287, while using ftdna specifically for Y-67 [there is 1 level higher, Y-111 Markers, but not as many people test that high].

I believe there isn't an issue with FTDNA's Y-DNA test versus the fact that it took me about half an hour to get enough saliva due to some medication I'm taking...

There are a lot of estimated Origins for so many haplogroups yet they become less the more specific and / or sub-haplogroups, you relate. Basically, even ethnicity keep slightly altering as the different companies get more and more DNA into their database, so in some cases it's just going to take time to acquire more sampling and I've noticed people are starting to focus more on SNPs...

I'm not an expert, and some of this is still trial and error we don't know who's the best, but I hope with what you're asking and what I've said other people will comment!

Good Luck

Private User
12/28/2019 at 8:51 PM

Thank you Marcus,

Yours was a very thorough response.

Have a happy and healthy new year.



Private User
12/30/2019 at 8:32 AM

Thank you, Mike.

Happy new year to you.

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